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Wednesday, February 13

remember this

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I had coffee and lunch with one of my friends this afternoon who has been contemplating starting her own blog. She's one of those friends I made as a freshmen all on my own- not through my roommate or another friend, and it's one of those relationships I'm really thankful for because it didn't stem from anything other than having things in common and enjoying one another's company. She asked me, "Maggie, why do you blog?" A couple weeks ago I was up in arms about this question but when she asked all I had to say was that I liked remembering things. Simple.

So today I want to remember a couple of things: aside from having the best grilled cheese for under $3 I've ever had in my life, today I feel completely happy with who I am and what I am. I think in the past year I've struggled with finding that solid ground with myself. I've more or less known how I have always felt but not necessarily been able to act on it or do what I know I should do. Today, I realized, I've done it. I love who I am and the decisions I've made to put me in a direction I'm excited about. I'm content. I know myself better than I have in a long time. So in 6 months, a year, or even five years from now, I will remember that the 20 year old Maggie writing this post now was happy and comfortable with herself. I will remember that though my schedule is vastly different than anything it's ever been and though I had to get used to the idea that my "homework" didn't feel like homework because it more or less felt like I was just doing what I normally do, reading and writing, this is how it should be. Studying what I love and getting better at it what I'm good at.

Also, yes those are flowers on my legs. Not paint or scratches or blood, to the guy in my english class that asked. Oh, and I do occasionally wear my hair up. And no, in the winter, I don't stop wearing big scarves with dresses.
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dress: modcloth // scarf: nordstroms // tights & boots: forever 21


Natalie said...

It's so great to hear you so enthusiastic about everything that you're doing right now! That makes me so happy to hear. Erm, read. Actually though. And a dress with a big scarf is definitely what I'm wearing right now. TWINS! Although I decided to be a rebel and not wear tights since it was above 30 degrees. Yeah. But I love yours. So pretty.

Z said...

Agh someone gets it! I've just queued a post all about this too (stilted for Friday...) and how I need to remember EXACTLY how I felt at that particular time. This is also why I do minimal editing on my posts - I don't want some fluffed up, polished version of myself. I want to know how CRAZY I felt the afternoon I blogged about all the homework I had or elated when I finally got a job interview. It's a weird mix between journal and family email chain...don't really know how to describe it. Anyway, I'm SO happy you're so happy with your life. you really deserve it and I've been following you blog for a while and have loved seeing you on this journey. Wish you the best!

Hannah said...

This is a beautiful post. I think a desire to remember things is why I started blogging, then it became about something else, and now for me it is coming back to wanting to remember stuff, talk about superfluous shit that might seem vacuous, and be in touch with the world.

You look gorgeous. I wish I had been as wise as you at 20. I think you should be proud of who you are and what you're doing x

becca said...

yes yes yes!
this is what I like to hear.
I love that you are doing so well and feeling good and learning a ton.
what could be better?

just keep soaking up life and sharing the joy! it's contagious.

Megan Butcher said...

Love the colors here, that deep rose looks so fresh and lovely on you - great little peplum too! :)

<3 Megan

Dillon said...

You look so adorable, and I also thought you were bruised and I'm glad that's not the case.

Remember today Maggie, because it's not everyday we have such realizations as the one you had today.

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I always scroll through the pictures fast to read and then look at your outfits later. I also jumped because my hasty scrolling at first made me think you had hurt your legs. The tights are super cute though, it was just a quick glance thing.

I love going back and reading my blog to see when I made life discoveries like this.

kylee said...

that's my new go-to blog answer. "i blog because i like to remember things." simple yet profound. i have always loved hair up with bangs.

inventedromance said...

I really really loved this post. It's so awesome that you're in a place where you're happy with yourself. That's such an awesome feeling. I totally related to so much of this. And also, your outfit is incredibly adorable and you look really pretty! I love those flower tights.


Lyndsey said...

Hahaha, guys are so stupid and funny. More stupid than funny sometimes. I love this outfit, you look amazing! I wish I had more confidence to wear my hair up (is it weird to say that?) I feel like my hair is my best accessory around my face. Otherwise I feel weird. Now I realize I sound stupid.

I'm really happy that you're happy now Mags. Your blog is better than ever and I will continue to read and appreciate you just as much as I did when you first started. you're my inspiration.♥♥

Jamie Rose said...

Hahaha I really like the flower tights and I don't think they look like blood and scratches! The color of your dress is super pretty and the cozy scarf looks really cute with it.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear people talk about being happy with the way things are going for them! I'm super happy for you! Hooray for good things!

Unknown said...

You need to wear your hair up more often! I love this post and yes simply put, we blog because we want to remember things. I need to remember that the next time someone asks me.