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Thursday, March 1

instagram thursday


the good
- spotting puppies tied up outside of your class so that when you walk out of your organic chemistry lab you get to spend ten minutes petting the cute pups. oh, and when one of them reminds you of your own puppy at home, it makes it that much sweeter.
- warm, soft, fresh out of the oven m&m cookies at the food zoo. niklaas ate six.
- downloading all of the civil war's album. sogoodsogoodsogood.
- people that believe in you.
- getting an iphone. not yet, but in two weeks time, i will have an iphone. it may be a 3gs, but that's okay. i don't care.
- amazing episodes of parenthood that make me tear up.
- spending 45 minutes drawing posters for all of your roommates
- a roommate who has a boy lingering and liking her. it's way too cute.
- being reminded over dinner in which we stayed seated long after we finished our meals that i get to date my best friend and we're now soso close to two years.
- going into the weekend knowing the next three full weeks will be completely test free.

the notsogood
- fainting in class. it really wasn't that dramatic, but it happened. that's what working out without drinking and not having time for breakfast in the morning will do.
- getting a bad grade on the easiest test you've ever taken on something you know in and out. overconfidence can shoot you in the foot just as easily as being unprepared.
- going eight weeks without being home.
- getting a paper cut on the inside corner of your lip. worst place ever.
- blaire telling chuck she loves him but isn't in love with him and has feelings for dan. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. sometimes my attachments to fictional characters keep me sane. this ruined my week.
- not being in austrailia for tswift's speak now continuing tour and the fact that it's march but not october and her album is still seven months away from being here. ugh.
- realizing you might never be happy if you don't change your major. now.


Abbey said...

Would it be not supportive if I was like "CHANGE YOUR MAJOR NOW!!". Everybody's different, but I changed my major to something I was way more passionate about and I'm so much happier now. Everything will work out. :)

Natalie said...

Oh gosh, I'm glad your fainting spell wasn't anything too terrible, but still, that's scary! Yeah, I know if I go for too long after running without eating, I get really light headed... And coming from someone who knows all too well about making really really dumb mistakes, that's so frustrating about the test. Agh. But on the bright side... PUPPIES! COOKIES! Cute boys! ;)

Jessica said...

I totally support changing your major to something that makes you happy. As someone who's been out of college for several years, I can safely say that in the long run, it really doesn't matter what your degree is in. Often grad schools and employers like to accept people with atypical backgrounds because they offer a unique perspective. (My uncle is a doctor, and he was an English major, but still got accepted to med school!)


Katie Burry said...

Ugh! I'm so jealous of the whole iphone thing. I want one but I'm not elegible for a free upgrade till September and without it would be $500! Yikes! I'm asking for it for Christmas, though.

Looks like you had lots of good things in your week, though! Yay! :D

Katie Burry said...

Ugh! I'm so jealous of the whole iphone thing. I want one but I'm not elegible for a free upgrade till September and without it would be $500! Yikes! I'm asking for it for Christmas, though.

Looks like you had lots of good things in your week, though! Yay! :D

kylee said...

hooooray for getting a iphone! you watch parenthood?!?! only my current favorite tv show. i cannot watch an episode without crying. seriously. every single episode. ready set email me your thoughts on the season finale! lingering liking boys are the best. you fainted in class?! girl! i hope you're okay! i have never fainted. not once. i swear tests always turn out oppsite - when i think i do great i end up doing awful. when i think i do awful i end up doing a lot better than anticpted. why does that happen? major change happening?!?! deeets!

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on Blaire and Dan. NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on Blaire and Dan. NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Cel said...

Holy crow lady, take care of yourself! Water is SO SO SO important! And so is breakfast! Your body needs fuel to keep going you silly duck. And go ahead, change your major, now is the time :) I went to school for something I knwe would feed and house me, but I didn't enjoy and well... I hate my job. It feeds and houses me but makes me miserable. So I'm plotting to leave the library and become a long distance truck driver (fo' realz) by the end of the year :D