So I was looking through my pictures today cleaning out my harddrive....when I found this. My photoshoot from the summer with my darling best friend Omni! OOPS. I know it's "summer" and all...but it's better late than never. Plus, it was in the upper 80's this weekend in Montana, so I figure I can get away with it. Right? Right? I really didn't want to wait until next year to post them!
Some of these turned out beautifully. It makes me want to replicate it next summer with Niklaas with a different outfit. Dresses are my passion in life as you all know, so seeing these gorgeous pictures sans me in a dress kind of makes me sad. Hehe :) Omni did a marvelous job though, and I love her for taking pictures. I love anyone for being kind enough to take pictures of me! All hail blog-photographers! :)
All of these pictures make me miss home so, so much. The summer months are so pretty there and I miss those wheatfields! To this day I am still floored at how majestic my summer was. Next summer I'm going to have to get a job so it won't be as carefree, but just the fact that I got to live one summer free of most responsibility satisfies the rambunctious youth in me that craves complete freedom. Nah, I'm ready to work and fit all the fun stuff in around a schedule instead of the other way around. I guess I got all of that out already.
Niklaas has been gone for two days now. Two days of zero communication. It's weird. Definitely. The longest we have gone is two days, so we are officially breaking ground here, hahaha. Who knows? Maybe in some twisted way not talking will be good. Just seven more days! Yippeee! I'm actually pretty excited though because he staggered out some letters/packages and dodads, so I'll be getting mail throughout the week. Eeep! And it also worked out pretty nicely that I found this photoshoot because I'd hate to post one of his when he couldn't be around to read it. Yes, he reads all my posts and looks at his pictures displayed on my blog :). And reads comments!
This outfit was specifically themed as such for a chictopia contest a long time ago. I'm not too crazy about how it turned out but I didn't have a mirror so I couldn't adjust it. Ah, well. I do love this sweater with the button down and I love these shorts though! I borrowed the sweater, top, and shoes from my dear friend Taylor who I miss a lot! It's funny because these pictures were taken before I bought myself my own oxford heels when I used to borrow everyones! So glad I have my own now. 
I miss my nerd glasses so much!! I lost them on the gravel road here when I did this photoshoot. Ugh!! Honestly, if you found some at your mall and sent them to me, I would bow down to you and make you queen of my life. Ha! I keep trying to find some at Claire's like these but a little less geeky for the five dollars I bought these for, but I can't find them anywhere! Grrrrrr!!These tights are my favoriteee! I can't wait to wear them this winter and all my lovely tights! I hung out with my Southern friend that I talked about in my last post this weekend and he helped me pick out some more tights! I decided to invest in some heavy duty knit tights because Montana isn't exactly known for it's friendly winters and they are the softest things ever. So excited. Hanging out with him was a blast! He actually helped me shop. It was so great. Hahaha. We also went to Grown Ups at the university theatre on campus next to my dorm and that was a blast too. I missed laughing!
TAYLOR'S NEW ALBUM COMES OUT IN 21 DAYS!!!!!! My new friend is going to take me at midnight to get it at Target. Yippeeeee!!
This is BY FAR my favorite picture of the day. The lighting couldn't be prettier! It's so soft and lovely!
The one on the left is my darling Omni. She's a quarter inch shorter than me :) On the right is Jessica! She is a fashionista, for sure. I misssss them!
Well, I'm out of things to talk about (a first??). I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you always for your comments! They make my day. You all saved me last week with all your lovely comments. My mood is so much improved and I almost feel like printing all of those comments out and putting them on my mirror.. Thank you so much!!! Today has been an amazing day. I woke up to rain (which is my favorite!), put on a slouchy oversized cardigan, a short denim dress, my new sweater tights, and boots! I have gotten three one hundred percents on my chemistry quizzes in a row I'm feeling awesome today! Thank you!Love,
Oh, and this is something I had to make for my photoshop class. It was an assignment requiring at least six layers including in-text quotes/lyrics. I think it's kind of corny and I don't know if I'm crazy about it, but it's still kind of hahah:) Of course I was going to choose something Taylor Swift!
Adorable Maggie! Lovely cardigan! Congrats on your Chemistry quizzes! I am finally passing my chemistry class:D The last picture is Beautiful:)
ps. Thanks for your support girl! Means a lot:)
Oh I'm so glad you're feeling a bit brighter now. I didn't like to think of you down in the dumps as you're always so wonderfully happy and smiley.
Loving the sound of those new tights. God, I really shouldn't get so excited about other people's tights, should I? What a weirdo I am.
I'm so so glad to hear you're feeling and doing better :)
You look so pretty in these photos! They're totally making me miss summer weather a bit. I love your cardigan and tights <3
even if summer is now over, it's still nice to see some lovely summer-esque photos to remind me of warmer temperatures past :) you look so gorgeous, and i love that sweater!
it must be super tough to be going so long without any communication at all, but hang in there! hopefully the next seven days will just fly by and Niklaas will be back before you know it :D
Thankfully you posted this adorable outfit, I specially love that tights and shorts, and how you mixed the patterns. So pretty :)
your photos are always gorgeous :)
the outfit is great and how cool it is that you are going to a midnight release :D? SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I will ship your prize on Thursday probably :( because they close at 5 and I get home at that time! Dammit! It's so sad! I want you to have the beanie now because you probably have cool temperatures whereas it's 84 here :(
Love you and your blog Maggie
Alex :)!
I love your photoshop project <3
and you. Honestly, you are so beautiful and you always pair the most amazing outfits together doll.
About Nashville-- you would love it! Unfortunately, I don't get to go as often as I'd like; ever since a car accident this summer, I'm not allowed to drive to Nashville (I live with my mom still! Hehe).
Anyhow, every time I read about Niklaas.. well, it's not hard to see how much you love him with the words you use to talk about him. You are the sweetest.
That blouse is so pretty! And I really enjoy your shorts! I feel like I couldn't pull them off, but you do and so well!
As for summer posts, I found a bunch of bright floral skirts in my closet that scream summer but... we're in texas, so I can probably make due for another month or so. ;)
Thanks so much for the compliment!
I'm not sure how you feel about thrifting, but I certainly have no problem finding geek glasses at my local thrift store. You could try there! Most times they are bi-focal like though. One day I got lucky at Claire's and found the perfect pair of glasses in the clearance bin during their amazing 10 for $10 sale, so they were only a buck!
I love your patterned tights, you pull them off so well! I'm still working on wearing tights, right now all I've got is dark colors. lol They're like a foreign clothing object to me!
gorgeous, I am constantly awed by your surroundings! You are so lucky :)
you are sooo nice for the things you said about my grandmother.
but anyway, you are sooooo cute. i love this photoshoot, and it definitely doesn't matter that it was summer. i love your tights!! and how the sky is yellow in that last pic. all of them are GORGEOUS. (:
Wow these photos ARE beautiful and your outfit is so hipster chic ;) Wish I had a photoshop class, I need some tips!!
Utterly darling. You and your fiends are too cute! LOVE the pattern mixing on this one.
Gorgeous tights, I think I might have a similar pair from UO, in black. They always get so many compliments!
You look so cute in these pictures, I especially love the lighting. How lovely to be able to take pictures in a field!
Love the photos. I like the sun lighting
Having so much fun with friends is really a precious thing..((:
I like the photoshop project. It's so Taylor Swift! haha.. I LOVEEEEE her performance at VMA. The lipstick and the wavy blonde hair are such a statement! wow!
Have a nice day!
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
I love the sequins on your cardigan... I want it please :D hahaha
Super cute! Those tights are really great and that cardigan rocks! Great photos too! I'm glad to hear the classes are going better! Friends from college usually end up being some of the best! I hope you have a most excellent week! :)
Good to see your spirits lifted, Maggie :) I agree that summers just look magical over there. That sunlight. I remember my carefree crazy summers in highschool. Definitely one of the best times of my life. :) Another great summer was when I took up an internship. Work and fun can co-exist!
Bea from A plus B
Are you using some kind of flash in a few of these photos?
I really like the look of it; different but in a good way.
Still 'Maggey' [see! you're getting a 'look', I PROMISE!]
lovely.. love your stockings
thumbs up!!!!
This outfit is so adorable. i really love your cardi! :)
i loved your use of the phrase "soulmate type of friends" - fantastic.
i agree, i definitely am lucky to have such an awesome roomie... ive had different roomie experiences & some people hit it off real well, others dont. im glad you & yours get along though :)
ps. your blog is irresistably adorable, keep up what you do.
Such gorgeous light in these photos! I love your floral shorts, too. Good luck with your separation - my husband and I spend nearly three months apart every year, and it never gets any easier!
your shorts and tights are AMAZING i want them! :D
great blog!
loving the posts
stop by some time xx
take a peek at my giveaway while you're at it!
Yay for searching HDDs and finding old gems :) All these photos are lovely. I've done some buttons for you - will have to make a drop box so you can looksie at them :) Love ya Mags, thanks. I just ya know.. I wanna be in the best shape I can for the upcoming summer.
indeed! the photos are beautiful! it's so obvious you guys had fun. wish i could do that with my friends!
I love these pictures of you! you look gorgeous and its so lovely and warm looking.
But my favorite is of the two of you looking so happy - BEAUTIFUL image of friendship!!!
Wow, your outfit is so amazing!!! Very well done!
I LOVE this photoshoot! Your outfit is stunning in all those details and patterns, and the backdrop is equally amazing. *___*
The light in these photos is just gorgeous. Beautiful pics. Beautiful outfit. Beautiful YOU. And I do like your project! Very lovely!
heart: Kimberellie
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