Wow. Has it really been over a week since I posted??
(correct answer: yes)
Shoot. This week was insane! Not in a bad way, but I was really, really extremely busy. Soccer has started officially so I have been practicing three times a week with the addition of Saturday games that last allllll day. I also work, so on my three days off, I'm working long shifts. This week specifically was intense because it was ART'S FEST week! I've honestly never heard of anything like it. Our school celebrates "The Arts" organized by ASB and the Arts Committee (adults have NO hand in setting it up!) and we spend a week attending two to three assemblies each and every day. Class periods are shortened dramatically and we meet half as many times as normal, but it's amazing. Everyone supports each and every student that gets up on stage to sing, act, dance, perform comedy, or whatever no matter how much talent they have. And, even more amazing, over one third of the school participates! 200 out of 550 perform! It's fabulous. So, I was busy all week rehearsing and attending these kind of festivities.
So, this weekend! It was stellar. That guy I ranted about? *news flash* he's mine now. EEEEEEEEE. We went to iHop early in the morning on Friday (3 day weekend!) which took threeee hours. We just sat there eating pancakes and talked endlesssly. As part of celebrating the end of Art's Fest, our school put on a Highlighter dance where you wear a white shirt and it's a mad rave. So, as an ASB member, I had to decorate which took hours. But it was okay! Before MY dance, I helped my little sister get ready for her big first formal dance! Ahhh! I did five girls' hair AND makeup :). In two hours, might I add. I was so exhausted afterward but it was a blast :).

the boyyy (Mexico last October!)
The dance was iffy. We have the best dance attitudes ever, but as much as we tried it was still a little lame. So we did leave early and went to a top secret scenic location where we talked and giggled (that's IT! promise). At the end of the night, I fell asleep hugging him :). eeee.

So. Now that I've rambled about "life-y" things that have probably bored you stiff....I'll share my newest outfit!
I got this skirt a couple weeks ago (I've only barely scratched the surface of everything I bought...) and I love it. The color is so vibrant and it's so comfy. I also got this leopard print cardi which I LOVE. It's so easy to wear and matches everrrrrything. I tucked it into my skirt with a white blouse because I really wanted to showcase the skirt. I was nervous about the tights, but I feel like they worked pretty decently. Of course, I'm wearing my favorite shoes oxford babies!
I lovelovelove this headband!
The lighting was so pretty.
We went a little crazy on taking action shots. But it was so fun!
It was insanely windy. It was hard not to laugh:)
These pictures all turned out so pretty. I took this of Marlee. Doesn't she look
Hope you all have a great week :) happy easter!!
Love always,
Seems like your school is really fun!! What type of camera do you use? I was thinking I should get a new camera. Also congrats on getting the guy! Wish I had a boyfriend:/
I love that blue skirt, it's so bold! And the place you take your photos is just gorgeous. (:
Boys boys boys...haha yay I'm so happy for you! :D
your skirt is super cute! i love the color and also the headband. I am big on headbands! (i also hate Mondays )
I am a new follower : ) I really enjoy your blog.
Please check out mine ( i hope you follow if you like it too)
Hi again! Thanks for telling me about your camera:) Also if worse comes to worst I am GLAD you will still have this Blog:D
Thank you for your wonderful comments!
Your blue skirt is so fun, love it! You are so cute!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!
You both look darling! I love your action shots! Wind can make for such lovely photos! Love the blue color on you girl - you truly have a great sense of style!
I love your outfit! I really love the layout you chose for your blog, very sweet :)
This outfit is awesome. You are awesome!! Oh, and is this the same boy you have been hinting talking about forever? Or a different one? Sometimes you are just so vague that I make up the details in my head!! ;-)
Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life at the moment.
I love the flower in your hair and the blue skirt.
Oh wow, you did have a crazy week! It looks so fun! Your pics are great and I love your smile, it's so genuine=) SOOO happy you're back dear!! <33
Hey Maggie! The tights and oxfords are a great combo! It looks like you two had a fun time with the photo shoot.
I'll be posting a set of pics with the dress you commented on later tonight if you want to check it out!
Uuuh, love the combination you made. Your smile is so cute :)
you are too cute for WORDS. my goodness, i can't help but smile looking at your photos! :)
yayyy! i'm so happy for you! :D
and yo yo! i gave you a blog award in my last post. :))
Hellooo=) stopping by again to let you know.. there's an award waiting for you on my blog :D <33
what a cute leopard cardi... love the contrast to the bright blue!
Gorgeous skirt! That is my favourite colour :) And that belt is amazing! Oh I wish we lived closer so we could share clothes. Haha!
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