I find myself going back to everything these days. Thinking about those memories and thoughts that are now four seasons old. Remembering what I was doing, what I was thinking, where I was going just one year ago. So much has changed and all of it for the better, but it's only when the sun comes out granting coat-free weather once again that I realize just exactly where I am and where I was. I'm almost done with my freshmen year of college. I was a graduating senior. I'm going to college with my friendboy. I was best friends with someone I thought wasn't going to be in my life for more than a couple more months, if that. I'm almost 19. I was almost 18. I am completely content. I was confused. I know it's not a lot and I know I tend to be a bit of a drama-queen, but I feel like a completely different person in a completely different relationship than I was on April 8th of last year. It's amazing, really, to come so far in just a year and to be able to really see in front of my eyes everything that's changed. I love being able to look at my diary from exactly a year ago and so specifically remember everything that was happening and comparing just how different they are now.

One year ago, Niklaas and I had our first 'photoshoot'. We were driving around today, me in my new Modcloth umbrella dress and hot pink umbrella Niklaas made the decision of me purchasing. It's true, I'm so bad at weighing out in my head whether I want to spend the six dollars on something I know I will use frequently and is a practical choice. Like, impulse oxfords at Ross. Or a hot pink umbrella. We ended up at the exact same place where we had our first shoot one year ago. Last time, we didn't really know what we were doing. I laughed, awkwardly, a lot. And he clicked hesitantly, a lot. This time, it was easy. I laughed naturally and he clicked as he pleased. And, at the end of the day, I came away loving these pictures more than almost all of ours combined.
dress-Modcloth tights-Forever21 shoes-Lulus bow-Forever21 umbrella-Ross
Most of the time (okay, half of the time) I can regain debit card control against Modcloth when I fall in love. This was not one of these times. I saw the umbrella print and that was really all it took. It was an added bonus that it was not rayon and that it had buttons on the back. I knew upon first glance that I was going to use an umbrella when I finally took pictures of it. It seems that whenever we have the clearest visions for our shoots, they turn out the most different. However, this almost always means they turn out different for the best! I wanted dark and dreary for this shoot but we got bright and sunny. Which turned out perfect because I haven't had a drop of spring on the blog yet. I know everyone has long since dove into spring, but consider this my spring debut!

I felt a little silly in yellow tights and an umbrella printed dress with a hot pink umbrella and blue bow in my hair. In fact, I felt like I was five years old again. But I couldn't be happier with how all the colors worked together and how happy these pictures are! I swear, this is the kind of photoshoot I want every single time. I think the constant in the equation is Niklaas. Hehe ;)

Tonight, we are going to dinner and watching Tangled and doing fun adventure things. For those of you in a relationship, do you have designated "dates"?? It's so funny because if everything we planned together was considered a date...then we would have been dating much longer than we actually have. So when people like my mom say, "Oh, are you and Niklaas going on a date tomorrow?" I have to stop and think... well is it? Hahaha. I guess it depends on the definition ;) Nonetheless, it doesn't really matter to me. I have fun date or no date!

i love that dress and your umbrella is so cute!!!!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Maggie!! This is so so lovely. I'm still in the stages of feeling awkward when people take my photos. So I still really identify with your description of your first time...
My beau is still in school down in California. He finished and comes home for good in June. I'm hoping that I'll be able to find what you already have: that comfort and ease in front of the camera. Because it really shows through. Love the dress, of course. But your smiiile :) So lovely.
And the bg looks so amazing, it almost looks green screened. heh.
<3 Lea
love the colours'! <3
OMG!!!! love the colours!you look so so pretty!!!! and the pics...love them!!kisskiss
you must be the cutest person in the world!!! i love the dresssssss!!! and your umbrella, and your tights!! and everything about the post!!
your outfits always put a smile on my face, love all the color combinations you make :)
Awww your'e such a cute little sweetie! love the tights and the umbrella together!
you´re so beautiful and I love the pictures!
I hope you're okay Maggey. Things change and it's hard, but you're doing really well.
Also- what is the name of that dress? it's so gorgeous!
My boyfriend and I usually hang out two or three times a week and we try to do something other than Dexter one of those days! I love going on dates- we went for dinner this week and it was such a nice change!!
Charlotte xxx
Love the writing in this! Anything is a date to me. It's kind of weird. Even just a walk in the park. Any special time just the two of you. Your photo effects in this post are so awesome!
i love your photos! you look so adorable, dang you :) muah! have a wonderful weekend love!
and my debit card is pretty much glued to my hand =X
I have a lot of friends who meet their significant others in college and they go on "dates" first. I met my boyfriend when I was 14, and we were friends first. We hung out a lot, and I told him specifically to ask me on a date when he asked if we were "dating". We went on one date, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Now when we do things I don't really consider it a date, even though I suppose it is. It's more of spending time with the one I love. No labels, just fun. :)
I loooooove this photoshoot. You're adorable. The pink umbrella is such a nice addition too!
You do such beautiful posts always so lovely to read. I love these photos too i love all the colours!
oh my goodness, I think these are my favorite set of pics you have posted. The colors are just spectacular and you look so very lovely in each one
officially the cutest outfit post ever!! and it's awesome how comfortable you and your boyfriend are with each other. i want that with someone :) but for now, i'm having fun with my awesome friendboys!
these pictures make me happy! you're adorable, have a fabulous, fabulous weekend :]
you are just so adorable. you and niklaas both! jeez. jealous. :)
i LOVE the bright colors of this shoot. everything is so darling.
I loved the first paragraph. Very well written miss. I am impressed :) Then, all the other stuff about you a year ago, let me tell you, I remember that girl! I remember all of us going all excited with your stories about falling in love with a guy who now happens to be yours faithfully. Who would've guessed, right? Life works in such a funny way, it's amazing. Anyway, I love that dress :D and the tights! Everything here just screams fun and I love it. I don't really know how to categorize "dates" but if you guys go out and have fun, then I guess that's a date :D As long as you both love what you're doing it doesn't matter what you call it :)
you are a really great writer. i love reading this. memories come and go but theyll always stay in your heart, its part of growing up. i love the colors and your pictures are wonderful. if you dont mind me asking, what kind of camera do you use?
im following, hope you can do the same :)
you are a really great writer. i love reading this. memories come and go but theyll always stay in your heart, its part of growing up. i love the colors and your pictures are wonderful. if you dont mind me asking, what kind of camera do you use?
im following, hope you can do the same :)
Gah, I absolutely adored absolutely everything about this post. It left me smiling from ear to ear, no joke. :) You and Niklaas are TOO CUTE together, I swear. Leave some adorableness for the rest of the world, gosh darnit! Haha. But really. Your Tangled date sounds wonderful. I recently watched that movie for the first time and I loved it. :D
And that dress! The little umbrellas! SO MUCH CUTENESS IN ONE POST I CAN'T STAND IT. Sorry, I'm clearly very excited, haha... ModCloth can do no wrong (besides be too expensive, sadly...)
Have a wonderful weekend!
These photos are so great - definitely one of my favorite shoots you two have done! :D I get such great spring vibes and now I feel like the jealous one because it was rainy and cold and gloomy here today.
I honestly don't know what constitutes a date either, or how many dates means two people are "dating". I have a guy friend I've sorta been with for the past year, but we've only done a few things I'd consider dates - watching movies just us two, restaurant outings, city days, etc.
These photos came out beautifully. The colors are amazing and that dress is amazing and that umbrella is amazing and you look just gorgeous! I have been in a reflective mood lately also. It's funny to think back to a year or two ago, and what the "biggest" things were in my life at the time, and seeing what has changed and how much i've grown.
this is such a sweet post Maggie! You and Niklaas are adorable. You are an amazing writer darling. But these photos are great! I love all the color pops going on here.
you are so adorable and i couldn't love this post any more! i love the pop of that umbrella and that dress is just to. die. for!!
Aww, Maggie this was just the sweetest post. It made me so happy! I always love reading your posts. They're always so thoughtful and genuine <3
Anyway, you look adorable! I love the mustard tights and obviously that dress! It looks like it was made for you :)
love all of the photo shot
OMG! i love your dress and that cutey bow :D what a lovely style :)) please visit my blog sometime. thanks. xo.
This outfit is the absolutely cutest! Love the umbrella print paired with an actual umbrella. Clever, lady.
these pictures are beautiful maggie.
i am in love with the sky in the background..<3
i do not think you can get any cuter..the yellow AND hot pink together is perfect.
have a wonderful weekend beautiful girl!
These pictures are really beautiful! :) Great photography xxx
Also, I'm having a giveaway for a makeup palette over at my blog, you might wanna check it out :)? Love Hannah xxx
haha yeah, i think most people don't know that bonnie and i are best frinds. did you see that anonymous comment on my blog? someone accused me of photoshopping bonnie into it! haha they don't even know.. anonymous commenters are so weird.
anyway! i have always dreamed of a blogger meetup too - i know it will happen one day!
Such gorgeous photos, and I adore the mustard tights! So cute.
You're so colorful!!!! I lovelovelovelovelove it. <33
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
girl, you're so cute. and i'm definitely feeling you... isn't it amazing how fast time flies and how much we grow? i love the growing part. :) your outfit is lovely -- and guess what? i'm 4'10.5"!! can we be friends?!
Oh my darling blogger twin!
You are so beautiful.. I just adore the way that you capture feelings and memories. Such a lovely, beautiful, AMAZING soul you have..
and you had me at the railroad tracks.
Love you,
Amber Rose
great pics..so bright and sunny! love these shoes, they are my favorite style right now
i love your umbrella and bright yellow tights, seriously cute. also awesome print on that pretty dress
Absolutely adorable!♥
This is adorable! I love all the colors that you used. I'm now following your blog. I'm lovin' your style! :)
I love the print on your dress, mini umbrellas, so sweet! These photos are super lovely too!
I did an inspirational post on yellow tights awhile ago:
I still haven't tried to pull off the bright tights look!
W.O.W!! How amazing aren't these images !!! I LOVE THEM. Absolutely wonderful !!!! :)
You wrote so many things that I don't know what to talk about! I will start with the obvious: your dress is adorable and it's great that you paired it with a real umbrella! I've been on the search for some yellow tights and have not been lucky enough to find some yet.
I wish I wrote in a diary so that I could go back and look it over once that time had passed--it seems like it would be such an interesting journey back through yourself!
Find me at Just Take a Bow.
These pictures are so cute and the colors in this outfit are fabulous. Love it!
love the pop of pink and yellow!!
Travel In Style
loveee train tracks photos and the print on the dress is super cute!
Spring is such a great season for feeling excited about the future and new things and remembering last year too :) lovely written post
So cute!!! I love the location where you shot these pictures!!! The fact that your dress has little umbrellas on it is awesome.
Everything about this post is just lovely. The pictures are beautiful - your man has a great eye :)
You look amazing, I love the outfit! XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
I LOVE THIS POST ! And I missed it !!! I love how you color block, when you don't like wearing colors it's genius ! And I'm carving for mustard tights !!!
www.coralieslooks.com - FRENCH FASHION BLOG
I LOVE THAT DRESS!! You styled it so cute!! I love all the colors and it's just perfect for spring! I need to get a sturdier umbrella. Mine broke the other day when it was pouring all day. Haha.
And I know exactly how you are feeling girl. Because my senior year of college is approaching, I've been thinking a lot about my years at college. It's gone by so fast, but I wouldn't change a thing. Everything has happened for a reason and has made me stronger in the end. It's been a love/hate relationship with me and college, but I've been so lucky with every single opportunity that I've had.
Crazy how time flies! Ha.
And for the dates. Me and my boyfriend don't really have dates. Ha. We sometimes go out, but usually we lay on the couch and do nothing cause we're such homebodies. Ha. But when we do go out on occasion, I guess you can call it a date. Ha.
The photos are just gorgeous. The colors, everything! You are such a beautiful girl and so so sweet! I just want to hug you while reading your post.
You are quite lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend :) All the best to you and Niklaas.
I love the way your coordinate colors, and I love the pictures on the rails, it's so poetic !
these pics are seriously cute! I love all the colours!
i spotted your guestpost on Kenzie's blog :) i adore your photos and you have such a great style :) x
LOVE these tights!
I found your blog through Kenzie Faith! So glad I did! Check out mine?
Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Little Rachael
this is sucha great outfit, i love the colours and cute umbrella detail, so cute
omgggggggg these are amazing!!! loveee the colors!!
love, polly :)
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