The most lovely girl in the world, Amber from Laughing With Broken Eyes, sent me this dress and boy, oh boy, did I feel like Summer Finn! Seriously. The baby blue hues and was just too cute. I added a floral headband just to Summer Finn it even more (truly, that should be a verb) and then added socks. With oxfords. I'm in love. I need Amber to be my personal stylist so I can dress like Summer more often.

I took these pictures over Spring Break by myself and let me tell you, I've never been stopped so many times by people wondering what I was doing. Most notably was a farmboy in a tractor (seriously) who pulled over and asked why I was taking pictures of myself in "that pretty dress, don't you know you're going to get it dusty?" and I had to refrain from laughing, although, I'm sure I blushed. I do that. All the time. My only regret was that he didn't have a true Southern accent. An Idaho farm-boy accent isn't quite the same, at all.

So, lately, I've been sleeping...a lot. I like to think it's still left over tiredness from Spring Break...but I think it's been too long for that to swing anymore. After my super long day on Saturday of cleaning up the river and going to a track meet and consuming too many calories, I took a two and a half hour nap. And then passed out right after our second movie and slept a solid twelve hours. And after studying today, I slept for another hour and a half. The school week is really no better. I've started napping right after class. My friends are starting to comment about how often I've been sleeping. I think I'm just mentally exhausted from this year and all the stress is catching up to me. Oh, summer, hurry please!

I have nine followers to get until I post my exciting giveaway. Speaking of which, would you all rather $50 to Modcloth...or to the Toms website? Huh, huh? PLEASE cast your vote!:)
Oh, man. I hate how much of an all-or-nothing person I can be, haha.... I say to myself, "I've been eating so healthy lately! Time to cut myself some slack!" and then I go all out and eat like a dozen cookies. Whoops!
That dress is wonderful! And it definitely says 500 Days of Summer to me. :D And oh my goodness, that's pretty much hilariously awesome about the farmboy questioning what you were doing.
Well, coming from someone who sleeps way too little, sleeping a lot doesn't sound terribly unhealthy! Sometimes your body just needs to catch up from all the constant stress and exhaustion, I guess.
Oh crap... that's like the hardest decision ever. Cause everything on ModCloth is so fantastic that it pains me to not choose it, but I've really wanted some Toms for forever! I'M TORN. Umm... ummm... I'll go with... *closes eyes*... TOMS! Final answer.
That dress is lovely, and the incident with the farmer boy sounds pretty funny and awkward.. I've never had anyone ask what I'm doing (yet). I'm guilty of the same thing, I had a very healthy week last week, then had cookies and other stuff at the weekend! xx
Aww what a sweet farmboy! I'm a total city girl but I would have loved to see him pull over on his tractor just to compliment you on your dress. :)
As for the contest - i'd have to say Toms. I adore ModCloth, but I've really been craving a pair of those shoes. And they're for a good cause!
The farmboy story made me LOL. It's so cute because it's from a farmboy! Aww! Hahaha! Your dress is so nice, too, especially with that stunning backdrop. I can't wait to go back home to WA this summer.
Hmm...ModCloth. Yes. Definitely. I've been drooling over the site for a year now and still haven't bought anything because of the ridiculous $$
Haha what that farmer said was hilarious! I like the colors of the dress a lot! Blue and yellow always remind me of Van Gogh's paintings. I've been sleepy a lot. I think it's just stressful being so close to the end of school!
ah, maggie! (I said that to myself in a french accent, haha) you do look very summer finn! :) and I love how you paired it with the oxfords and socks. also, how cool is having someone stop you in a tractor (even if he didn't have a souther accent) and asking what you're doing! I have yet to experience that :( sometimes I wish Miami had beautiful scenery like you do. any who, you look lovely maggeygrace :)
PS- I choose modcloth!
ooooh modcloth always.
Lovely dress print!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
E.Caffey handbag giveaway! Eeeps, so stinkin' adorable! I remember back when F21 was selling this dress and I coveted it SO much... I never ended up buying it, but seeing it on you really makes me wish I would have! You look beyond lovely Maggie! :D
this dress from Amber looks simply lovely on you! Oh and in answer to your questions, modcloth all the way!
Your dress is so so pretty! And the shots are beautiful. Thankyou for your lovely comment :) xx
decision, decisions :p I do love TOMS though, so there :P
Hahahahaha hey don't worry! Really, it's almost May... so people are just sleeping ALL THE TIME. I almost fell asleep during my history class and when you're sleeping at class that just means you're freaking tired. I am extremely tired right now it's crazy.
Anyway, I do agree. Summer Finn should be a verb! Why not? It's totally applicable for those dresses and many situations. Like her description at the beginning! I might be Summer Finn if it wasn't for having that wow factor that made people turn around, but aside from that I could pass off easily as her :P haha not! You look lovely! You pulled the look together very well and you're so brave for taking pictures on your own outside where everyone can see you! I would be very embarrassed but that's me, the shy one :P you rock :) and that's why I like you! I am sending you my dress soon! Urgh, a friend saw it and decided to try it last week. I couldn't say no... I felt bad, but it's back now!
Beautiful dress--but I must say, these pictures are mainly making me craaaaave wide open spaces! :) PS-both are winners...but I vote Toms!
TOMS!!! I need a second pair! :D Can't wait for the giveaway! I had a friend who would reward her good eating habits with clothes/accessories/shoes! Haha! I thought it was a great idea. :)
another gorgeous outfit, you own the prettiest dresses honey xo
Bahahaha. You would get stopped by a farm boy on a tractor! Haha. I'm sure he thought you were reallyyy pretty. Watch out Niklaas! ;)
But I have to agree, this dress is too darn cute!! Love the colors!
And really quick, can I just say how super jealous I am of your extremely picturesque backgrounds you have in your photos! I'm so tempted to move to Idaho right now so my pictures can look as good as yours! Ha.
And I vote TOMS! I still have yet to get a pair, and I'm dying to get some!! However, Modcloth would be nice too for a new dress... Hmm the choices!! Gah. Ha.
That dress is so cute, and I love the color :)
I totally imagined that that farmboy had a southern accent in my head. Let's just say he did because it makea the whole thing even more amusing!
PS Both giveaway choices are awesome but I must admit, I have been lusting over those silver sparkly TOMS for quite some time!
very 500 days of summer :) very, very cute.
Oooo, Ihop has my most favorite pancakes ever (chocolate chip good). I love this dress on you, you seriously have such great style!! I think $50 to either site is fabulous, although I am a huge fan of Modcloth.
I wish I could help you with your makeup!! That would be so much fun :)
That is such a funny story about the guy pulling over and talking to you about taking pictures of yourself. I'm lucky enough that I usually have my boyfriend take pictures of me but one time I took my own pictures near a school. I could see the little girls looking out of their classroom windows and watching me. Such strange experiences that blogging brings us.
The dress is so pretty on you! I love the colors. It's so perfect for spring You're a lucky girl. I hope I could find something almost as sweet on Modcloth, so my vote for the $50 has to go there. :D
What are these toms you speak of? I lead a sheltered life!
really pretty dress!
and so funny, I've had people stop and ask me what I was doing as well. haha
The things bloggers do for outfit photos. ;)
Gorgeous photos as always. That dress is such a gem! I adore the colors & the oxfords were the perfect match. Don't feel too bad about your weekend... I have over-indulgent weekends far to often. I think last week was one big sundae for me. haha
Very nice dress! You look really cute!
Aww don't be too hard on yourself dear about eating bad. You should give into your cravings every once in a while so you don't...well lose your mind hehe :) These photos are stunning Maggie! The blue sky is just perfect with your dress and your brown oxfords! I vote for ModCloth :)
Aw, this picture reminds me of the 60s for some reason. I like how you paired the dress with the socks.
Such a gorgeous dress. I love all of the colors and the abstractness of the pattern. Modcloth! is my vote. There are so many more lovely choices (in my opinion at least). Tehe. It's so silly that that tractor boy talked to you
hahah that tractor story is hilarious. i can't believe you took these pictures by yourself! they turned out incredddibly. seriously. i'm way impressed.
p.s. i vote modcloth! (:
Seriously, amazing pictures ! Where do you live? It's sooo gorgeous there !! :)
You look so nice with the dress. The pic also great too. Love the sky(:
Vote for modcloth!
Dreamy Princess
this is so adorable dear! I love the oxfords with ankle socks xx
can't wait for your giveaway! that dress is such a lovely pattern and i love your shoes!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
That little dress is so pretty, love the pattern. Mixed with those shoes - darling!
How do you always seem to capture the most perfect scenery in all of your pictures? It's astonishing. You look gorgeous.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Haha, I've totally been eating and sleeping nonstop too! I defend myself by maintaining that I'm varying the food I eat, trying new experiments, and eating healthy... er, sometimes, anyway.
I love your ode to 500 Days of Summer! This is totally something Summer would wear. Blue floral dresses always make me feel like Summer so then I start to pretend I have "the Summer effect" hahah I'm so cheesy.
The story about the tractor boy is hilarious! People stop me sometimes and I always say something like, "uhhhhh nothing?" and run away. I love that dress. The colors look nice on you. You always have the prettiest pictures!
Great pictures!! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Come back soon@
That's such a pretty dress! It definitely does remind me of Summer Finn (in 500 days of Summer, right?) And you're definitely brave for posing outside, though I think it's sweet how people kept asking you with concern what you're doing. :)
As for your giveaway, I'm leaning towards modcloth! (though I do love toms)
love this dress as well- it looks great on you dear :) p.s. i was recently having issues with fatigue and found out i'm anemic...maybe something to look in to?
Where is that?
And i like those Oxford shoes, i have a pair similar to yours, but they're brown! :D
Aw don't worry, i'm sure there are other stores, other than Macy's that would fit your schedule! Keep job hunting! It had not been easy for me either!
Have a great day dear! xoxox
This post made me hungry! I'm off to make a grilled cheese sandwich right now. And your story about the farmboy is so cute. We don't have many charming folksy homegrown boys out here in California.
Loving your dress and shoes. Keep up the cute!
i love your blog :)
I love your style! and the farmboy story is so cute and funny..haha.
Lovely dress, you're right, the print is great for summer !
I SO seem to love, love eating & sleeping on the weekend. Really! Those are my usual weekend highlights... and I always look forward to it!
And I lovey that gorgeous dress! How fun that you did a swap with Amber, it looks absolutely adorable on you. And so well paired with the socks & oxfords. xx veronika
I just adore you.
and I love it when people approach us while taking photos.. I swear we could write a book on what's happened to us!
love the print on your dress! <3
Sigh, that DRESS. Amber sure knows how to pick 'em! I vote on Toms, by the way. Modcloth is awesome, but Toms are... well, Toms. :-)
Found your blog through Bow Ties Are Cool! Your style is adorable, and you live in such a pretty place! I wish I had such picturesque settings! :)
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