Just one day after returning home, I walked into the living room and my dad asked me, "Maggie, are you wearing Geisha makeup today?" Me: "No, Dad. I don't have any makeup on..." Him: "Are you sure? You look so white. Don't you ever go outside?" Yes. I am that pale. Pale enough that it looks like I am a Geisha. I guess this means I am living up to the pre-med student name? Pale skin and all? Ha. Ha. Ha. I guess if I'm going to slave my life away to studying chemistry and biology, I might as well try to laugh at myself. Right?!?

So far this spring break, I have not accomplished a fraction of what I said I would. What I have done? Start writing letters, watch the office, and take naps. What I haven't done? Do homework in a coffee shop, write, take pictures with my tripod, go to the post office, make a headband, sew, and read a book. I have fallen into this pit of watching tv for hours and waking up very late and not eating lunch until 4PM. It's terrible. Tomorrow, at least, I have a scheduled haircut in the morning and a job interview in the afternoon, so a productive day might be in the cards at last. Mostly, I've been cuddling and sweater wearing and movie watching and eating ice cream with Niklaas even though I'm not the one who got their wisdom teeth removed. Whoops!

I know, I know, I know. I've taken pictures in exactly this spot quite a few times now, which happens to be my home back yard. Someone commented and described it as "dreary" and I couldn't agree more! But for now, it's working and I kind of like it. So there. These shorts were one of those Maggie-Must-Haves-That-Never-Ended-Up-Being-Worn. I have many of these items. I just wrote a paper about clothing waste and the environmental impact of making clothes, though, so I'm trying to decrease that number greatly (seriously, researching this paper was way, way too informative and I may need to post it on the blog). I love the floral and I like the print and, well, I just like these shorts....but I don't wear them! Eeek!

I really had no idea how to style these up and ended up wearing solids on top and patterned tights. It ended up kind of funky and I'm not crazy about this outfit, but like most bloggers will say, you have to post things you aren't in love with. I am an ever changing camellion and while I probably will never wear this again, it was a step in the stairs to my personal style. Woot!

Well, it's past my bedtime. I'm way too excited for Thursday. A radio ad, three short texts, a few squeals, and $50 later and I have two tickets to Colbie Caillat. My sister and I are going to go wait in line for hours way too early and sing Colbie's lyrics back to her in the front row. Oh, and drool over Lee Dwyze from American Idol. I could not be more excited. At all. Dream come true! This is going to be a blog post in itself. Promise.
Wait, you're a pre-med student?! I had a sneaking suspicion after all of your frequent talks about chemistry, but I wasn't sure! Sorry, it's just exciting because that's what I'm pretty positive I'm going to be pursuing in college, but all of my friends are calling me insane. So it's comforting to know that there's another person out there going through it too. :)
Anyway, that is rather hilarious that you are Geisha pale, I must say... :D Even if your spring break hasn't been super productive so far, it does sound relaxing, hehe!
And even if you're not in love with this outfit, I really really like the combination of the print with the tights and the boots!
Colbie Caillat! That's majorly exciting. Have fun. :D
Do worry about being pale, I think most Caucasians are :) and you're so pretty! :)
xx, Channie
haha oh dads, subtlety is not their forte. you look gorgeous, ain't no thang. it's hard to take time out of studying. but never underestimate the power of vitamin d!
ps. cute shorts :)
lovely tights, and that floral pair of shorts is so cute!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
absolutely in love with the tights!!! you are sooo lovely!! kisskiss!
I think it's okay to be pale if it's not summer! Why go outside too much in the cold? I actually like the tights with the flower pattern! This is a cute outfit!
i used to spend all my free time like that too..haha!!!
well, enjoy it...because once school gets too crazy or you start working, days like get scarcer and scarcer... and now i'm wishing i can skip work tomorrow and just spend hours doing absolutely nothing productive..haha!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
I can't believe you don't wear these shorts out too often! I love them! :) but I've got several items like that in my closet so I understand :p and omg! I'd love to have days where I could watch movies while having Alex sleeping next to me <3 -sigh
I'm in love with your boots and all those ruffles go together perfectly in this look! And my spring breaks always end up being way less productive than I planned for them to be. Alas! At least you get to relax a ton. :)
Have fun at the Colbie Caillat concert and I can't wait to hear all about it. So jealous!
Love the belted look and that skirt is awesome. I'm wearing a similar look today (but all black hahah what can I say I am a new yorker after all :) )
I really like that outfit. :) I think they go really well together. Have fun at your concert!
You look adorable! And I'm super jealous about Colbie caillat. I love her! Have fun!!
You look awesome as always :) Patterned tights always mess me up too. I remember back in the day in elementary school when all I cared about was the fact that I was wearing clothes at all. Now I need things to match (or not match for that matter), or I don't like mixing certain kinds of patterns. I've built all these silly rules into getting dressed. hah.
But not gonna lie, I kind of like the more geometric tights pattern with the floral :)
<3 Lea
Haha your Dad is funny, I had ti laugh about the "Are you sure?" :) Maybe somebody put Geisha make up on your face when you closed your eyes for a few seconds ;) But I know this so well, I'm very pale too. Unfortunately people never compare me with a Geisha (which is actually nice I think)but they rather ask me if I'm sick.
But I like being pale, pale is elegant ;p
Btw I love your cute outfit, the tights and shorts are lovely and I really dig your boots!
Have a wonderful day :)
oh poor pops, he didnt mean to put his foot in his mouth :) Dont worry deary I think I have you beat in the pale department
Ouuuh I love how the belt is added over the cardigan:) Such a nice touch! And blue is such a lovely color on you Miss Maggie:D
Mannnn I seriously wish that I had more time to go places for photoshoots...cuz my back/front yard is booorrrring. But, yours is nice:D
Ah, your dad's comment reminded me of how my stepdad asked my stepsister once why she was wearing white tights when it was so hot out. She wasn't wearing any of course. haha I personally find pale complexion lovely. (:
I honestly love your ability to so easily mix prints like this. The shorts are adorable!
Aww no worries. You'll get tan again once the sun starts shining :) We all lose color in the Fall and Winter! Love all the teal tones in this outfit. Spring break is always like that--you have a humungo list of things to do and you don't really get any of it done. It's just way too short! Good luck with your interview! I think this outfit would've been better if the cardigan wasn't tucked in hehe.
aw, you're home for a bit!
that's so fun. and it's probably okay that you're not stuck to your to-do list, you know? just hang out a little bit, have fun, make memories, love on the people you care about......
and then tell us all about it!
love your belt! x hivennn
haha dads are so funny; i wish i could remember some of the funny comments he's made about my clothes before. anyway, colbie concert sounds fun! i've actually been listening to her a lot lately. p.s. great tights, my laday (:
Ohhhhh, don't feel badly about being pale. Nobody can achieve my level of albino-ness. I burst into flames when I enter direct sunlight.
P.S. LOVING this outfit. You look gorgeous!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
how exciting!! i've always wanted to win one of those contests on the radio, but you have to be eighteen. not being legal kinda stinks sometimes...
on a brighter note, i can't wait to hear about the concert :) have fun!
Girl, you are able to mix patterns so well! And congrats on the win - have fun at the show :)
EW! I dont think I could study that hahahaha but kudos to you:) I love those tights they're simply lovely.
Lee Dwyze! My God! Hahahhahahaha I loved him when he was in AI... I'd be like him, all shy and stuff :P! Anyway, same thing that always happens to me. I was reading your post yesterday and as I was about to comment some friend called me and we started talking and then I had to leave for my lab and when I came back I had to study for two tests and now I completely forgot what I was going to write, but let me tell you those shorts are really incredible even if you always pair them with solids :P who cares! Rock them Maggie! And about the clothes thing... yeah, I try not to buy too much but I can't help it and I know it's bad bad BAD, but I can't stop. I should really try harder though.
great outfit, i love how you matched your belt with your shoes.. you look gorgeous!
Honestly, I quite like this outfit! I like the double ruffles and the mixed color palette. Very springy!
And incidentally, in response to the comment you left me, I currently want to double major in something art/design and English, which I feel would be an appropriate path to editing at a magazine. My dream!
You're a pre-med student? wow - go you! I'm a history grad student which is SO much less exciting.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Oh I like the way you mixed these textures here, even if you haven't been productive, at least you did that!
awe, parents always have something to say right. 2 cents in and all but you look great and i adore those flowered shorts. happy almost weekend! ♥
Than you for your comment but you're awomesome too! I love all ur outfits! LOVE!
Love the tights! They have incredible details and I am a sucker for them Great floral print also! :D
Wow, have you got your hands full being a pre-med student. It does sound like you are having a decent spring break so far, nice and relaxing, which is ALWAYS good. I really like your tights, but I'm a sucker for patterned tights lately. Have fun at your concert!!!
Wonderful look and pictures!
Those from the railway keeps amazing me! They are wonderful!
And these pictures are amazing too!
I adore the thighs very much ^-^
xxx LondoN & pAris
This is a beautiful outfit! You may not like it too much, but I LOVE IT!! The shorts are too freaking cute and I think you styled them perfectly with the top and cardigan and textured tights! So cuteeee!
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