If you asked me to pick just one outfit to wear for the rest of my life... hands down, this would be it. A cat-faced tee, swirly cotton skirt, bow, easy to walk in wedges, and a side braid. I can't tell you how happy having a cat on my chest made me the entire day that I wore it. So, I might have first discovered this shirt when I saw a picture of Taylor Swift on tumblr wearing it...and I might have found it on Modcloth two days later...and I might have snatched it up when I fell in love. But regardless of the fact that Taylor owns this top and shops at Modcloth (eee!), I'm so delightfully in love with this top and I can't begin to describe the looks and comments I got (my favorite: dreadlocked stoner in the cafeteria looking at me up and down and saying, "Dude, I like cats").

Being a sophomore in college, I've been thinking a lot about majors, minors, graduate school, medical school, journalism school, and just the future in general. It's really hard to wrestle with the idea that my choices now could dictate whether or not I get into what kind of school I decide to go to, even though I'm not sure right now if that's what I want. There's only one thing I know and that's that I want to feel what Taylor Swift does when she's singing in front of a crowd of 20,000 people in whatever I'm doing. I've been to two of her concerts and there is no doubt when you're a fan in the crowd watching her perform that performing is exactly what she's meant to do with her life. I wish I had the fearless drive to just pick that thing lingering in the back of my mind to "go for it" without doubts like she sings about, but practicality always worms itself into my brain. I know I'm just 19, but being pre-med is a big commitment even as a sophomore and if I'm going to go to Medical school...you have to plan ahead. Big time. Even when I'm sure that it's "the one". If nothing else, I admire Taylor for never doubting what she wanted and going the whole way. It's so much harder said than done!

I hope you are all enjoying my more life related posts these days. I just got instagram (maggeygrace!) so I've been instagraming like a fool in love. It's addictive! My new iTouch might be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm planning on several instagram posts in the future. I think it's probably on its way to being the new twitter or facebook. I love it!

I have three outfit posts backed up on my harddrive currently. Pictures, pictures! I have to say, I'm excited to be posting outfits again. This blog is a lot of things to me, but I'm realizing taking pictures of what I'm wearing is a more important part of it for me than I realized as I've taken a step back from outfit posting these days. Being pushed to look at my clothes in a whole new way every day and feeling that adrenaline when I am wearing something that makes me feel like I'm screaming to the world who I am in that moment is pretty liberating. I recently texted my sister and said, "I think there's a difference between wearing clothes to look "cute" and wearing clothes because you just like them." I was talking about someone in particular and my sister probably rolled her eyes, but I really think there's a genuine difference between wanting to dress a certain way for other people and wanting to dress for yourself. It's probably ironic considering I'm the one with a "fashion" blog, but I've only ever worn clothes because I see them almost as wearable pieces of art that make me feel more like myself in them. What do you think?

(I'd kill for her legs! She's so beautiful)
Outfit Details:
shirt- Modcloth
skirt- Urban Outfitters
shoes- Urban Outfitters
bow- Urban Outfitters
Too cute! I ADORE this outfit. Simple and sweet.
Good luck deciding about majors/minors/etc! I'm a junior and while I know my major, I have no idea what I want to do! Eeek! You still have time, I promise.
Oooooh how pretty!
Ok love that shirt! You look so cute!
Cute kitty top! It looks great on you. And I personally think your legs are better looking than hers :p Womanly figure! Admirable and BEAUTIFUL. /supportiveness
That looks like such a comfy fun skirt too. I wish I knew how to braid my hair was well as you can... the back of my head always looks a mess when I try making a braid without there being a pony tail there first. Really sweet outfit.
I seriously love everything about this outfit but those shoes!!!!! UGhhhh must have a pair!!!! (and that's an ugghhh in the best kinda way)
Sorry for a second comment but after I got over the frantic search for those shoes I just had I wanted to ask how you like them-they had some bad reviews on UO and I'm a little torn as to whether to order them or not! Also, I love what you said about why you blog, I feel the same way. I had some serious outfit hate on my flickr acct last week and it made me think about dressing for other people vs dressing for myself. I vote dressing for yourself and embracing the clothes you love!
That outfit is adorable. My favorite from you!
Good luck figuring out all of your school stuff! I am a sophomore too, and feel lucky that I've decided exactly what I want already. I will say that when I figured it out, I suddenly felt at ease and am way more excited for the things to come than nervous. I hope you can get that feeling too!
really nice outfit
Cute shirt!
I love your outfit! The bow is too cute! Just followed you on instagram!
You're so right - the most important thing is that you're loving what you're doing, no matter what it is! I'm sure everything will sort itself out in school. I am lovinggg that shirt! It is perrrrfect ;)
sorelle in style
that top is too cute! i can't imagine not getting compliments on it :)
Absolutely love that gorgeous shirt. I had a vintage one that was very similar years ago, but sadly I wore it to death. I'm smitten with how you've styled this & your bow is SO lovely. Gorgeous, gorgeous! And, yay, for instagram I love it too... xo v
Meowza you are cute! This outfit is purrrfeeccttt and Taylor would be very proud :)
You look absolutely adorable! :)
I love those wedges and how great they look with that fun t-shirt
P.S I added your button to my site to share the love <3
Loooooove this outfit! Especially the tshirt and the heart-printed bow! You are so so so cute!
I am a new reader. I LOVE your blog.
Stop by my blog...
Or my photography profile.
you're still miles ahead of me in terms of school. i'm 24, and finally a junior! yeah. i was at a junior college for a while. only really left with general education done and an aa in photography. now i'm going for my bachelors in photography. oh yes. a bfa. ~fine arts~ snicker. anyway.
this top is darling. i love the brown and the blue. and those shoes make your legs look amaaazing. and your hair! always looks so effortlessly put together. perfection.
you'll figure out just what it is you want to do.
i'm also waiting for instagram to come to android :(
and in terms of clothing. i have some clothes i've had for 5 years, and some i've had for 6 months, that i love all the same and never see myself without them. i think clothing is about feeling your best. if you want to make a statement, or blend in. but feeling the best with you. i like wearing atypical 'cute' clothes. like tights, and shoes with straps, and collars and floral and bows. i like those things, but i don't wear them for anyone but me.
i love what you've done with this shirt. totally think you rock it better than taylor. plus, i have a secret obsession with railroad tracks, lol. and these pictures are just so beautiful. adore this post. I'd love if you'd check out of my latest Lauren Conrad inspired outfit post. I took the pictures in front of her old house on the Hills. So pretty.Love to hear what you think.Thanks love. xoxo
Lovely outfit! And I know what you mean about figuring out what you want to do. I just turned 30 and still wonder about that sometimes...
What a fun tee shirt!!!!
Oh wow. I love it! this looks so great! xx
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just stumbled across your blog. absolutely adorable! that t-shirt is so fun. that's awesome that taylor swift has the same one! i love when that happens! can't wait to read more from you!
xo TJ
Hmm, difficult choices, where to go with school, where to go with life and the future in general...but I think you should just take all the time you need to think about these things. And then you'll definitely come to whatever is the best for you!
Love your outfit by the way, it's oh so cute!
Wow wow wow! I am oh-so crazy about your cat top! It looks gorgeous! <3 I love the way you've style it too; I even prefer it to Taylor's look!
Lost in the Haze
Mags! You look STUNNING!! and EEE taylor swift shops at modcloth!? I wish I could too haha, but I can't really afford any of their stuff :/.
I get nervous just thinking about college, that's why I've put it off for almost two years. I don't want to grow up working at a job I hate just because I decided all of my career choices in my teens. My mind is a jumbled mess of everything! Good luck choosing doll, we're here to support you all the way!
Planning while you're in college is hard. Nuff said. I changed majors 3 times. You'll get it. One day it will all fall into place.
Love the bow and side braid. Just adorable!
Oh my goodness that shirt is fantastic, aha! I love the skirt too. You look gorgeous. And I really do enjoy reading all of the posts about your life. I'm pretty much freaking out about college right now and I'm not even in it yet. Pre-med just seems so daunting, yet... it's what I want to do. Besides, like, get paid for existing. I don't even know... haha.
You look fantastic.
I know choosing a major seems like a HUGE deal - and it is - but you can always change your mind. Nothing is permanent. Make a choice that fits who you are right now! And if that changes...well, you can change what you do then too.
instagraammmm! yess! best thing ever. i am addicted times ten. at least it's helping me move past my fb addition.
HELLO! that cat tee is devine. seriously so purrrfect (haha, i had too!) I love how you styled it too. Really relaxed
You and Taytay have the same shirt! Haha rad. <3 Did you see my Taylor Swift post? If you haven't, you should. You would love it. I hope. :)
Wow, I didn't know you were doing pre-med. That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you. I totally get you. It's definitely a lot harder to decide what you're going to do with your life. I have no idea exactly where I'm going to be in 10years. I know I want to do film, but it's tough having to decide.
I guess that's part of growing up, right? <3
Btw, I love this outfit. It's so comfy chic. Good choice.
P.S. Did you watch the premiere of GG? Wasn't it juicy?
XoXo, Bree
Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee
Oh! Honey love the whole outfit, specially that kitty shirt <333
ack no way, her legs look much too thin to me!! ok, now that that's out of the way, you look freakin' adorable!! that shirt is amazing, love the 'dreaded stoner" story. wow, pre-med. could you do a diff major that would also allow you to med school but if last min you decide on something else be ok too (a friend did biology in society for this reason) but i'm certainly no expert on these matters. Do know what you mean about dressing for yourself though and how much better my days can be when I love what I'm wearing, oh & rockin' the side braid : ) have a good weekend!
That cat shirt is awesome! I love it paired with that little skirt. Such cute pictures. I'm glad to see a new outfit post from you!
Woah! That's so cool that TS shops at ModCloth! :D
I definitely know what you mean about dressing for yourself. I feel so much better and more confident when I'm wearing an outfit that just feels me. I think it's really important to dress to dress for oneself, because it can make one feel so much better. :D
Love your blog, and this shit is beyond dreamy!!
I've linked this post in my 'start your week off with..' feature.
Lauren // http://tasteslikelove.blogspot.com
darling outfit, head-to-toe :)
that t-shirt... i need it now! it is just too perfect for any cat lover. and PS... you are more beautiful than Taylor Swift! She would be lucky to have your legs and style! :)
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