Since my sister and Mom were gone, my Dad and I had the house to ourselves. Last night we were supposed to watch Gilmore Girls and a movie, but much to my surprise, when I walked into his bedroom I found him watching...wait for it, wait for it.... The Last Song!!!!! Once I discovered his movie of choice, he proceeded to comment for the rest of the night about what a "convincing" actress Miley Cyrus was, how "old" Liam was for her, how much he liked the father in the movie, and how "good" the movie was. And he was dead serious about it all. I guess when you've lived in a house of all girls, you are immune to any negative connotations with chick flicks...since it's basically what you watch all the time. Anyways, I still haven't gotten over this yet and love it. A lot. Especially since this time, he wasn't influenced by any female at all.
I forgot about these pictures. They were hidden on my hard drive. Oooops. My computer crashed during finals week so I can't store any new files on my hard drive. It sucks and thus, is the reason I'm saving for a Mac. I've had it with PCs. So anyways, I just found these pictures today. They weren't Niklaas' favorite, but I feel like this outfit is what I've been wearing for the past week because the weather has been all over the place. Really really cold and rainy or really really hot and sunny. Therefore, dresses with sweaters and dresses alone.
I got this cardigan a few months ago and I live in it. I sleep in it, even though it's summer. I'm anticipating that you'll see this dress again this spring/summer sans cardigan, but it was so easy to layer and I loved it! I am really getting excited for spring/summer shoots. I have some *exciting* ideas planned out and I can't wait to actually follow through on them!

Agh, packing/unpacking is always such a pain. Whenever I come home from vacations or whatever, I always immediately HAVE to unpack EVERYTHING or else it drives me crazy. I guess that's my OCD side coming out perhaps? I can only imagine what it'll be like dealing with all my stuff in college... scary thoughts.
Oh my gosh, I LOVE YOUR DAD! Mine is basically the complete opposite. I actually don't think he even knows who Miley Cyrus is, haha.
That sucks that your computer crashed! Yeah, so far I've had this Macbook for my entire high school career and it's never done me wrong...
By the way I love that sweater! It looks so comfy and warm!
I hate packing too!! I think unpacking is worse than packing though. :P uck. Haha! I really love this outfit! Super duper cute!
I love that floral dress! x
I was smiling throughout this post--- your dad is so funny! This reminds me of when I watched Mean Girls with my dad. He kept turning to me saying 'I dated a girl like that in high school--- wooooooooh (he makes noises, haha)' or he'd say 'Tina Fey is such a convincing teacher! I wish I had her as my teacher..' So.. he was appreciative of the film but acted like a frat boy. He's a piece of work!
Anyhow, good luck with unpacking! I hate it so much. If it makes you feel any better, I've BEEN packing all this week in preparation for next week's move, so we're kind of in the same ship... in an opposite sort of way.
Loooove you.
Generally I just stuff all my clothes in drawers; it doesn't get folded/hung up for a good week or two after. XD
I think it's a great sweater too! The knit looks really pretty. :D
OH MY GOSH, you have so much clothing. I think unpacking all of that is definitely definitely a big huge accomplishment.
I definitely have missed your blog posts :D I'm happy that you're on summer break now. The outfit you're wearing has been my uniform too. Oregon is so silly and cannot decide on weather :(
Sweaters like that are definitely comfy and amazing for times like these though. I have one that I treat in exactly the same way. I love the chunkiness + cute floral.
Oh bless your dad. That's so funny! You should watch some action films with him, just to butch him up a bit ;-)
oh your dad sounds so cute and funny!!! i love your cardigan and the dress is so pretty :)
haha that's so funny about your dad! i would of cracked up if i caught my dad watching that.
you look really pretty in these photos! i love the buttons on your dress. :)
i love your cardi it is amazing and looks so comfy. and lol about your dad!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
My dad doesn't know the name Miley Cyrus. He knows Hannah Montana, though, and refers to her as Hannah Montana XP. Bless your dad's heart.
This outfit is so you. I love how cozy looking it is.
awwww that sweater looks soooooo comfy! I could totally use it right now. I'm freezin! hope you had a great weekend!
Wonderful outfit Maggie dear! I need to get myself some white tights real soon. They just make everything so sweet :) Your dad sounds so cute! My dad hates chick flicks haha. My mom makes him watch Chinese dramas and he's slowly getting into them. A Mac is the way to go! I'm so glad I got one 4 years ago (I'm still using the same one!) instead of buying a PC laptop because eventually a lot of my friends got a Mac after their PC broke down so I actually saved money hehe :)
Haha wow thats a lot of clothes !!!
Btw, love your pictures-as usual- !! And your outfit !!
thanks for stopping by my blog!! so you said you loved my bun, go to lauren conrad's new blog called and there's a perfect tutorial to do the ballerina bun!! see ya soon! :)
wowee.. that's a lot of dresses! well.. clothes! you must have a packed wardrobe haha :) you're so beautiful, and i love your sort of vintage style dresses mixed with a cozy cardigan and cool tights/shoes!
I just adore that sweater!! I saw it on Tieka as well and I just love it, should have bought one. I see why you live in it, it's comfy and cute. AND I love it paired with the floral dress, tights, and oxfords... such a sweet look. xx veronika
I wish my dad would watch chick flicks. I'm not much into them myself but anything is better than hearing war movies blaring from his room.
I don't blame you for wanting to/actually sleeping in that cardigan. It kind of reminds me of a blanket draped in a pretty way. Of course, blankets are not smart enough to look stylish and have pockets.
You've got me siked for these photo shoots! Get them going, girl! :)
I suck so bad at posting sometimes... my bad. I love that sweater! It looks comfortable, but of course wearing it now here would be crazy! I can't even stand wearing jeans. Imagine when July comes around D:! Oh, Lord, save me :P!
i think i love your blog!
and this whole outfit!
your style is just so adorable!
greetings from New York,
Love the browns :)
Lovely photos! I love that your Dad liked the Last Song! My dad hates movies like that. He won't even watch them! I think it's cute that yours will and whats more enjoys them!
i love this dress and the tights are so cute <3 x
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