So, since I blogged last the Princess got married, the bad guy died...and can we say Disney movie weekend anyone? I just feel like I need to put my two cents in by saying that Kate's dress was absolutely the most beautiful article of clothing I've ever seen. Even though I was sick, I ended up waking up to watch the entire wedding anyways. And it was worth it. I know a lot of people thought all the hurrah was pointless, but after watching, I fully understood why. A royal wedding simply isn't just a wedding! It's an entire event, royal hats included. Seriously, it was like feasting my eyes on candy. If all of my dreams fail to come true, I swear, I'm going to become a wedding planner. And Niklaas will be my side partner photographer. We'd be quite the duo.

I know I've been a terrible blogger lately, but have no fear. After next Thursday, I'm all yours. For four months. In fact, I'm pretty much devoting all summer to working and blogging. It's going to be fabulous. I have a long list of picture ideas in Idaho and themes. I'm so excited! I just need to get through my Chemistry and Biology finals....eeeep. I'm nervous. Does anyone else despise the fact that in college, finals can equate to over half your grade??? I do. It's make it or break it time right now.

Niklaas took these pictures when he was here for a couple days! It was so fun to walk around Missoula and explore- something I pretty much had not done until he came. We walked around downtown, found the coolest thrift store I've ever seen, ate ice cream in the rain, rode the carousel, and strolled by the river. It was wonderful to skip a day of school and just do "fun" things. Plus, it was amazing to see how things would be next year when we can explore every day. I can't wait.

We took these pictures at Missoula's first train station! I wish I could tell you more...but i didn't read the plaque because it was raining and we wanted to get out of here. I am looking forward to finding more historic places to take pictures (that's one of my goals this summer!). I think my favorite part about college (one of) is borrowing clothes. My friend Katie got this dress and it's the most comfy dress I've ever worn. I loved the white flowers! My other friend Maggie has the best sweaters in the world and she loaned me this cardigan from J Crew. She's a J Crew fanatic. They both worked wonders together! I decided to throw on my white oxfords and tights and voila. Comfy outfit.

very cute floral dress and i love the bow in your hair!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Great outfit, I adore those shoes!
such a cute outfit, love the pattern on the dress :D xx
AW!!! I hope you feel better soon sweet one. Put the UO cardi on and everything will be better, I promise ;) Hope you're well other than that gorgeous lady. Hope you aren't too stressed out with all you have to do! And how GORGEOUS did Kate look? So so so stunning.
I love your look! You're so cute! Lots of love xxx
The old train station is beautiful! And so is your outfit. Really diggin the cardy and dress! they indeed match wonderful together ^^ Hope you get better soon :) xx Nikki
Feel better soon!! If that cute floral dress doesn't make you feel better, I don't know what will! :-)
Get well soon! I'm nursing a cold too. Though it's not as bad as yours, I don't think. Love historical places like that. But I'm sort of nerdy. There's also a bit of a nostalgic, romantic notion for me when it comes to trains. Lovely pictures.
I'm so sorry you are sick!! :( That is NO fun!!! (trust me I know, I'm trying to get over the flu right now) You look SUPER DUPER cute in these pictures though!!! :)
colds are the worst since there really isnt any medicine to cure it. Hope you are feeling better now
I really think it's lovely that so many people around the world watched the wedding. I feel really lucky that we had the day off work and it was on at a reasonable time - getting up in the middle of the night can't have been fun for you!
I absolutely love this outfit btw. The print on the dress is stunning and those shoes are just lovely.
Well shoot, you just can't seem to win with all the school work and now getting sick?! Hope you get better FAST!
We have similar Summer plans as I have also mapped out and planned photo shoots in my head. Some for outfits for the blog and stuff, and others just for fun. I love releasing creative energy with photography! I'll just have to wait and see if they actually happen. Got my fingers crossed!
That dress and cardigan are so super cheery together! They totally brighten up the dreary weather happening in these photos.
P.S. You are adorable in these photos! Let Niklaas know he did a wonderful job, these pictures are superb as usual! :)
hi maggie!
it's been a while since i've caught up with your blog :) but you look adorable like usual, haha, love the florals. i just finished finals, and yes, it's such a pain that most of them were 40-60% of the final grade :( you'll do fine though! & hope you feel better soon. :)
oh, i'm sorry you were sick, dearie. i hate having fever :(
i love the photos and that floral dress! ohhh! you are so cute!
ooh love these photos, they actually look very autumny - and i love the ones from below especially!
Sorry to hear about your crap week!
i LOVE that outfit! Sooo cute!
Love the whole outfit and that necklace is adorable :P! hahahahahaha oh Maggie you have such nice places over there! I can't find anything decent here... everything is just... no. I mean, my city is not worthy of being photograph! that sound horrible haha, but I've really tried hard to find places and nope. So it's awesome that Montana and Idaho offer those awesome landscapes :) Also, thank God the semester is almost over! I am looking forward for the next months! I know you and Niklaas will get sweeeet pictures! :) Good luck on the tests and I hope you get the package soon! Let me know :)!
These photos are adorable! Such a cute setting.
Also, bravo for hanging in there - hope you're feeling better! Just think, summer :)
Also, I've decided if by any chance I ever get married, it will be required to wear a fancy hat a la fancy British weddings.
beautiful as always. i love that print and the orange cardigan
your floral dress is so cute!!! and i just love the background of these pictures :)
Very cute dress, and love the location too- very atmospheric! :) xx
Congratulations! You can now not smile and not look angry. :) lovely pictures! I hope you'll feel as lovely as they are sooner.
LOVE these photos, you two would make an awesome photography team!
gorgeous pictures! love the colors love the look!!!
the post is up btw :D ms. blogger of the month!
it's so good to be done with finals! lucky girl! i still have like 5 more weeks to go, i don't even know!!
cute outfit! and im glad to say that i am your 400th follower, congrats on 400 followers!
you are gorgeous and i just lovvvvve this post and photography. i'm sorry you got sick lovely, i really hope you feel better soon!
i wish i could've seen the wedding. maybe i can search it on youtube? or maybe just the dress. i've heard it was the most whimsical event in a while.
lyndsey of hellolyndseyyy<3
Love the floral print and the bow!!!!!!!
First of all, I love your dress, cardigan, tights, and shoes. Of course. What else did you expect? :)
Anyways, awww man, it sounds like you've been through some rough tomes lately with the sickness and your poor computer. ): Feel better! Yeah, Kate's dress was absolutely breathtaking! I can totally picture you and Niklaas as an amazing wedding planning/photographing duo. I'd definitely hire you for my wedding. :) CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER! Good luck with your finals... I know you will kick their asses.
You have the cutest style! I absolutely adore the colour of your cardigan!
wowwww i love your dressss!!!! :) soo pretty!
Good luck with your finals!! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, and I hope you feel better. You look adorable, and I love this dress.
I love how this dress looks paired with such a fabulous J. Crew cardigan! and your tights, always lovely ;)
This dress is fantastic! An I love your bow!
I love the little bow in your hair. I would seriously love to raid your closet for dresses, you have the cutest ones!
i like the pattern of your dress
so sweet
Love that dress, nice pattern ! You're so cute like usually ;)
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