Anyways, I've been super busy. When I imagined "summer" back in the winter...I imagined hours of free time and days and days of laying in the sun. That has absolutely not been the case. I'm housesitting for two houses right now, I babysat overnight last weekend, I'm going on a weekend vacation this weekend, and next weekend is 4th of July + another overnight babysitting session. Oh, and tonight I'm babysitting over night as well. I'm upping my hours at work, also, to allow for the *two* golden weeks of vacation. Free time?? As much as I hate to say this, I am THIS close to missing school days when I only had to focus on homework. Then again... School? Barf!

Lately, I've been buying a lot of books. It's the one thing I can buy guilt-free with my paycheck because after all, reading beats watching tv every day. However, I've gone through at least 10 this summer and according to my mother, 10 books is equivalent to a Kindle. Hmph. A Kindle. It's a mighty fine idea, and considering I just bought two more books and 2/10 of a Kindle, I'm considering taking the plunge and pulling out $114 of my savings. I am a reader, after all. I'm just not convinced I'll like the actual computer screen aspect of it. Do you all have Kindles?? What do you think? Worth it??
In Idaho, cardigan free weather doesn't start until July. So, yes. I'm still in cardigans. I got this coral one around Christmas and it's probably my most worn cardigan and not just by me! I've had this dress for ages and I'm just now pulling it out. It's so funny because I saw Rachel Berry on Glee wearing this dress and literally ran to my closet and held my dress through the rest of the episode. And I've seen at least four other of the same dresses since! How nifty IS that?? Have a swell weekend, all!
Cardigan- Old Navy
Shoes- Lulus
summer = no showers. it's fine. we all do it. okay maybe just the two of us. but at least i'm not the only one. kindle. not a fan. i would so much rather read the actual book. there's something about turning a page. plus books just smell so good. cardigans are the best ever. if i could deem one article of clothing as the most important it would be cardigans for suuure. and rachel berry? such good style. so basically you have such good style.
I love that first and last picture of you! So cute and such gorgeous scenery. :) Utah is kind of the same with it's weather. Although it's been 90 all this week! Yay! BUT I leave monday for alaska. So I'll be in 50-70 degree weather. Definitely cardigan weather.
What books have you been reading? I need some recommendations! :)
And seriously, I'm thiiiis close to missing school as well, but I know that once September arrives, I'll be kicking myself with 'Oh, I should have done THAT during the summer' or something of the sort!
You look absolutely beautiful as you always do. <3
You look adorable! I have an iPad that has a kindle app on it and i Love it! I am a major book reader and was super skeptical, but it's just too convenient. haha. I say make the plunge! But buy books that you absolutely love in paperback. That way it's the best of both worlds.
oo what books have you been reading?? I personally couldn't use a kindle, (at least all of the time, maybe for certain trips) because I am in too in love with books themselves. I love feeling the pages between my fingers, and that wonderful book smell and looking at the cover art, and seeing them all stacked neatly next to one another.
Hah, I shower every day... with the summer heat I've started skipping washing my hair a few nights a week (because it takes forever to dry) but it takes a lot to stop me bathing. I'll be going 5 days straight sans-shower in July though, when I go to an outdoor hippie festival with my boyfriend, which shall be filthily interesting haha...
I think you need to head to the library! Books are free, and you can return them for more! Usually I only buy books if, after reading the library's copy, I decide it is SUPER AMAZING and deserving of being bought.
I dont have a Kindle but my friend does and I tried to read on it once and it just didnt feel right. I like the feeling of a book in my hands. I tend to buy a lot of books on where they are crazy cheap
I remember putting this little Forever21 polka dot dress on my wishlist some ages ago! Seeing it on you know (and how adorable you look) makes me wish I had bought it!
You can't take a Kindle in the shower! Mind you, I think I'm probably the only person who manages to read proper books whilst washing their hair so that probably won't bother too many potential purchasers.
I can see a Kindle coming in very useful on holidays as my hand luggage is usually taken up entirely with books. On a day to day basis though I don't think it would be worth it. I buy most of my books second hand via charity shops and Amazon marketplace and getting a Kindle would just mean spending more money on books. Ebook prices aren't as cheap as I'd like them to be.
I feel bad - i never read. I think the last time i read was in January, i best finish that book out again this weekend i think!! You look like you live in such a serene area - a lovely moment of escapism for me. Greetings from England (very cold and dull right now even though it's summer. typical british weather!) x
I want to wear cardigans badly. I usually turn the air conditioner real high and wear one around my house, but that's not even close to wearing one outside :P you really wanna hear about our dirty little secrets? :D haha well... every morning that I go to the gym I usually sweat like crazy and most of the times I am too lazy to shower right after I come back so I stay in bed all covered in sweat for a good two hours. Yuck! I love that and I am trying to remember when did Rachel wear it D: argh my mind is failing me right now! You look gorgeous! And I have the same situation... I mean, I haven't had a "free" summer... there's always something going on and I just want to sleep and eat for two weeks without interruption :P
your polka dotted dress is AMAZING and i love it paired
with the pink cardi!!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Yeah, I haven't washed my hair since Sunday... soo... don't feel bad. Haha! When the only thing I'm doing in public is running, it's just not worth it...
And my summer has actually been a lot busier than I imagined it too! I end up gone almost all day with little to no free time until nighttime. That's awesome that you're getting so much babysitting time though, cause that means you get money! More money to buy more books! :D I can understand why people like Kindles and would buy them, but I know I never will... I just can't read from off of a screen like that.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Hmm... I like the idea of a Kindle, but I like turning pages too much to stare at a screen for the literature.
But that's just me... It would be nice to have access to all of my books at once, though.
These shots are awesome! The sky looks so cool... as does your outfit obviously! Hope all is well! :)
I got a Kindle for my birthday in March for 2 main reasons:
1. I'm a grad student studying children's and YA lit, and sometimes I read around 4 novels a week. That's a lot to carry! A Kindle really helps in that respect. Also, once when I flew home, my suitcase was 10 pounds overweight and it was all because of books! The Kindle helps that too.
2. Sometimes I need to read a book for class that I haven't been able to get at the library or I don't have to time to go that case, with a Kindle, I can buy it and download it in seconds!
I definitely prefer to read real books, but for travelling and emergency situations, it's nice to have the Kindle for back up.
i miss cardigans. i get to put them on in the evening before the sun goes down, but during the day i don't get to do much of anything.
i personally, prefer hard copies of books. the sole reason i would get some sort of e-reader would be for school books. better than carrying around those giant things and spending all that money on them. but i buy most of my books from the thrift store or used on amazon for pennies.
It's funny - some days I'll go without showering if I'm just lounging around, but days like today I ended up showering three times thanks to spontaneous swimming - after not having showered in two days.
Sometimes keeping busy is bittersweet... less free time to have, well, free time, but constant occupation keeps one from being too bored. I usually prefer a balance of the two - enough free time for it to feel like summer, but not too much that I get lazy!
You're so lucky to still be in cardigans at this time of year. It's so hot here in april that they're absolutely unnecessary by then. Then it's too hot for comfortable layering of any sort until November is almost over. I still do it, though, because my wardrobe would get so boring.
I enjoy days of not showering and not doing much of anything. I don't leave the house when that happens. There's no shame in that! It's summer, after all!
Hi there, just discovered your blog off of 'The Sweetest Escape' blog, and I love it already :)
But about the kindle; I really suggest to anyone who buys a lot of books to buy one of these instead, it is so handy, and I take mine everywhere! I mean I still love books, the feel and smell of the kindle doesn't compare to a good book. But it's great even so, and some kindles are available at really good prices at the minute xox
The scenery of your photographs is always beautiful. I love your dress so much! You have soooo many dresses. I literally have...5? At the most. It's sad.
Don't forget to do your bio for five bloggers!! Once you've done that, we can get the ball rolling.
hello beautiful! You look so cute in polka dots. I can't believe you walked with no shoes! My feets would've been killing me, but my feets are sensitive.
When I first got exposed to Glee (around last summer) I began dressing like Rachel Berry in that preppy yet granny style! It's been long since over, though. Good times!
i have used my ipad for reading. and no, i don't like it. i keep going back to books. i like flipping thru pages, seeing how far i have to go, just HOLDING the paper makes me happy. and i'm an avid public library user, so i wouldn't be saving myself any money to use it more often. some people love it tho...
I absolutely adore the colour of your cardigan!
Lost in the Haze
What a cute dress! I love those images!
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