I've found that saying, "I need you," is harder than saying, "I want you."
Sunday, February 27
Saturday, February 26
spring must-haves
Alright, so, I'm very aware that I didn't post yesterday even though it was a posting day. The past two weeks have just been those kind of two weeks that by the time the last of it rolls around on a Friday, you just want to collapse and think of nothing but your bed. Seriously. I came home from my last class yesterday and just curled up in bed for a good four hours watching Hulu before going to dinner and a movie. I consider this round of tests and horrible due dates a success! I got an A on my mid-term paper, A on my archaeology test (!!!), A on my biology test (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and my chemistry test wasn't as sparkly, but I still got seven percent higher than the class average with a D+. Womp womp womp! Oh, well. Improving biology was a huge feat.
Anyways, lately, the February slump has been really dragging me under. I hate February! It's the shortest month but it always goes so slow. It's kind of left me uninspired in the blogging sphere and desperate for the next 9 weeks to hurry up so I can blog in bliss again (spring! summer!). Anyways, in my slump, I decided to compile my "spring" crushes. These are items I am dying to have for spring and mind you, they were the ones that were weeded out from a window of about twenty five tabs of other floral dresses.
Anyways, lately, the February slump has been really dragging me under. I hate February! It's the shortest month but it always goes so slow. It's kind of left me uninspired in the blogging sphere and desperate for the next 9 weeks to hurry up so I can blog in bliss again (spring! summer!). Anyways, in my slump, I decided to compile my "spring" crushes. These are items I am dying to have for spring and mind you, they were the ones that were weeded out from a window of about twenty five tabs of other floral dresses.
Dresses from left to right:
Indoor Garden Dress, Illustrated Floral Dress, Take Me Away, floral dress from Urbanog, Take A Bow Dress
Bottom row:
As you can tell, almost everything is floral. But don't worry! In my head, I have a distinct inspiration palette between spring and summer. I promise you, my summer wardrobe wish-list is full of solids, skirts, shorts, and lots of polka dots. I just feel like florals in the spring is a very justified cause ;)
Wednesday, February 23
trouble is a friend
This weekend, I discovered two amazing things that have changed my life. Lenka and Florence and the Machine. Actually, I should say three because I downloaded Poison&Wine by The Civil Wars and that is also my new love. I've had one of their songs on my ipod for forever but never really ventured into their other stuff. Seriously. Where have you been all of my life, Lenka, Florence, and Civil Wars??
dress-Thrifted sweater-Urban Outfitters tights-Target boots-Thrifted belt-Thrifted hat-F21
I know this is a short week and we just had a long weekend so I should be super charged and motivated and the week should be flying by...but none of the above are even remotely true. I feel like I need a weekend to rest from my weekend! Last night, when I was forced to actually do my chemistry, I was being a cranky wallowing bee's nest and was so frustrated. You know when you look at a problem or a paragraph out of a book and you read it once and you're like.... WTF? Yeah. I did that. And was almost in tears. But then, Niklaas was too sweet and told me nice things so then I felt bad about being so stubborn about chemistry and did it again, more slowly, with milk and cookies by my side, and got it done. Whew. I just can't wait until winter is over and this seasonal depression thing is kicked in the face.
I probably wear this yellow cardigan three times a week, if not more. I've always been really weird about repeating clothes but I just can't stop wearing it with everything. I've lent it to four people on my floor, too, and it's just a prize winner. And I'm repeating this dress! Whoops! I guess this is just remix day ;) Ever since I gave back the other most perfect dress in the world, I've been searching for a substitute. This one is the closest I've found, but it still doesn't compare. If you all see any short sleeve button down black floral short dresses that aren't made of rayon or chiffon, let me know ;)
Anyways, it's Wednesday. Ew. The end of my weeks are so busy and messy! I have more school on Thursdays and Fridays individually than I do Monday through Wednesday, together. I have another test at the end of the week which will conclude the first round of terrible tests and then a week off and another. It's crazy! But! We're six weeks into the semester with only two and a half months till summer! Weeeee!
Monday, February 21
near to me
I'm currently lying in bed, lazily, with my glasses on, hair in a bun at the top of my head, comfy cardigan wrapped around myself, and yoga pants. That seems to be my typical "Homework/Lazy Day" attire these days. Which I seem to be found wearing every single day after my last class. Oh, well. It's comfy. And a cozy cardigan makes everything (even yoga pants) acceptable to wear in public...right? Ha! Maggie and Kaleb are in my room with me currently and we are watching The Little Mermaid- which happens to be my all time favorite Disney movie!

I apologize for disappearing last week without telling you. Last week was test week and I virtually had no time to blog. Luckily, instead of simply just hiding for a week, Jennifer and Catherine filled in. They are champs! I think everyone needs and deserves a break every now and then. In fact, one of my blogging resolutions was to take breaks when I needed them before I drain myself out. Woohoo! I got to go home for the last weekend and it was wonderful. Niklaas drove me home from Spokane and we went to Sharis where I fell in love with chocolate shakes (something new to add to my favorite food list) and malted Belgian waffles. It was a lovely, lovely busy and much too short weekend.

shirt-Herberger's vest-Aeropostale shorts-Old Navy tights-Urban Outfitters boots-Urban og headband-F21

I took these pictures over my winter break and I'm still so excited with my improvement in the tripod department. They actually look as if someone else took them! They aren't, per say, half as lovely as Niklaas', but I'm happy with how they turned out. It seemed like last winter I wore variations of this outfit almost every day- tights, shorts, and some top with a cardigan. I haven't done that once this winter so I decided to give it another go! My grandma bought and picked out this floral button down in the summer and it seems like every time I wear it, I wear it with something striped. I didn't like this striped vest thrown on alone, but adding a cardigan like the old days, I was happy!

I'm also wearing my ever-so-lovely headband that gets too much press on this blog and floral tights that don't get enough use these days. As much as I love not having to think too hard about what I'm wearing in the morning anymore because I don't have to take blog pictures every single day, I do miss my crazy tights and the swish of my skirts.

It's so hard to persuade myself to get something productive done after such a fun weekend. Yesterday, my family went skiing. My sister retired from skiing a few years ago but decided to come out of her retirement yesterday and her debut on the mountain was a blast. Despite the twenty odd minutes it takes to get down the mountain with her in tow, having the whole family together like the old and simple days was positively refreshing; the days before college, tests, boys, drama, and "real" problems. The days when my Friday nights were with Barbie and my sister; when Disney movies filled our family movie nights and I wore jumpsuit Gymboree dresses with Landsend clogs. This semester I'm so busy with school and my trips home are only going to become less frequent as the weeks go. There was something so magical and something so hard hitting about being told my knees weren't bent enough and my skiis too straight from my dad that hit the nostalgia button in my brain. It's alarming, at times, just how much I miss those little moments.

I apologize for disappearing last week without telling you. Last week was test week and I virtually had no time to blog. Luckily, instead of simply just hiding for a week, Jennifer and Catherine filled in. They are champs! I think everyone needs and deserves a break every now and then. In fact, one of my blogging resolutions was to take breaks when I needed them before I drain myself out. Woohoo! I got to go home for the last weekend and it was wonderful. Niklaas drove me home from Spokane and we went to Sharis where I fell in love with chocolate shakes (something new to add to my favorite food list) and malted Belgian waffles. It was a lovely, lovely busy and much too short weekend.
shirt-Herberger's vest-Aeropostale shorts-Old Navy tights-Urban Outfitters boots-Urban og headband-F21
I took these pictures over my winter break and I'm still so excited with my improvement in the tripod department. They actually look as if someone else took them! They aren't, per say, half as lovely as Niklaas', but I'm happy with how they turned out. It seemed like last winter I wore variations of this outfit almost every day- tights, shorts, and some top with a cardigan. I haven't done that once this winter so I decided to give it another go! My grandma bought and picked out this floral button down in the summer and it seems like every time I wear it, I wear it with something striped. I didn't like this striped vest thrown on alone, but adding a cardigan like the old days, I was happy!
I'm also wearing my ever-so-lovely headband that gets too much press on this blog and floral tights that don't get enough use these days. As much as I love not having to think too hard about what I'm wearing in the morning anymore because I don't have to take blog pictures every single day, I do miss my crazy tights and the swish of my skirts.
It's so hard to persuade myself to get something productive done after such a fun weekend. Yesterday, my family went skiing. My sister retired from skiing a few years ago but decided to come out of her retirement yesterday and her debut on the mountain was a blast. Despite the twenty odd minutes it takes to get down the mountain with her in tow, having the whole family together like the old and simple days was positively refreshing; the days before college, tests, boys, drama, and "real" problems. The days when my Friday nights were with Barbie and my sister; when Disney movies filled our family movie nights and I wore jumpsuit Gymboree dresses with Landsend clogs. This semester I'm so busy with school and my trips home are only going to become less frequent as the weeks go. There was something so magical and something so hard hitting about being told my knees weren't bent enough and my skiis too straight from my dad that hit the nostalgia button in my brain. It's alarming, at times, just how much I miss those little moments.
Wednesday, February 16
Windy Florals
Hey guys! I'm Jen from JennifHsieh and I'm guesting blogging for the lovely Maggie today! I decided to style up an outfit inspired by Maggie's style...so despite the strong gusts of wind and the chilly weather I slipped on one of my floral dresses and a pair of tights. I always love how Maggie styles up her florals and she pulls them off better than I can! I'm not much of a daring person when it comes to patterns but she knows how to work them here, and here, and here, and...well...I could keep on going. Instead of opting for a cardigan I decided on a very basic sweater and belt combo. :)
(Zara Sweater, Modcloth Dress and Belt, HUE Tights, Matiko Wedges, H&M Coat)
Looking at these pictures is reminding me that I really need to stop by home and get my bangs trimmed. It's getting hard to see with them in my face. Maybe I'll just start clipping them back until I can go home to see my hair cutter.
And if you're wondering if I tripped in these shoes...then the answer is yes. Yes, I did.
Monday, February 14
Vegan Baking with That Silhouette Girl
Hi guys! I'm Catherine, from Silhouette Girl, filling in for Maggie today. I've never done a guest post before, so I'll admit, at first I was a little clueless on what to write about. I figured since it's Valentine's Day, half of us are probably celebrating while the other half of us are probably avoiding it. I'd throw myself into the latter group, but this is because of those pesky college applications.
Anyway, there's probably no better way to celebrate or avoid this holiday than eating delicious desserts - chocolate, cake, cookies, you name it. Lately I've been particularly fond of apple pie, so I'll share my recipe with you lovely readers! My aunt talked me through baking my first pie, but I've since haphazardly recorded the recipe, and now here's my fully edited version.
I use vegan versions of these ingredients, but feel free to swap out whatever you have on hand (butter instead of margarine, etc.).
Beforehand, you need: an oven preheated to 450 degrees, measuring cups and spoons, 2 large mixing bowls, 1 small mixing bowl, pastry cutter (or two forks), wax paper and tape/saran wrap, rolling pin, 9" pie pan, cookie sheet covered with tin foil
For the filling:
5 medium sized apples (I use Macintosh, but you could probably use Gala or a combination of different apples for a unique taste)
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 quarter teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons flour
Peel and cut apples, put in large bowl. Mix sugar/cinnamon/nutmeg/flour together, pour over apples, toss/stir until coated. Set aside.
For the crust:
2.5 cups flour (plus more for rolling)
1.5 stick margarine (or 1 stick of margarine with .25 cups shortening)
.25 tsp. salt
(.5 tsp. sugar, if you like your crust a little sweeter)
Cut margarine into little pieces, place in a metal or ceramic bowl. This next step might sound funny, but if you've baked a pie before, you know why. Place the bowl in the freezer for about 15 minutes, feel free to put the pastry cutter (or large forks, spoons, etc.) in too.
If you're using shortening, add it after the freezer - it's pretty difficult to work with frozen. Cut the margarine (and shortening) into flour with cutter, press in until smaller pieces until crumbly. Do not use your hands to mix yet - it has to be kept very cold! Add between 3 to 5 tbsp. of cold water quickly to mix into dough – this is used to bind the crust.
At this point, use your hands to mix the ingredients and form into a large ball. Cut in half, make two patties. Place one in the fridge, while the other is rolled out.
Set up your workstation: tape pieces of wax paper together, or cut several pieces of saran wrap and stick them together. (I use the latter - it's usually easier, and you can easily peel the dough off.) Lightly flour the surface, as well as the dough and rolling pin.
To roll it out, roll in opposite direction of previous roll. Go up, down, sideways, and diagonally until it's large enough for your pan. Put in pan, pour apple mixture in, and place four slices of margarine on top of the apples. Repeat the rolling process for the top layer.
Attaching the top can be a little tricky at first, but it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Use a fork to make ridges on the edge of the pan, then brush water on the edge. Carefully place the top layer on, and make fork ridges along the edge again.
Cut off excess dough with a knife, and cut slits in the center of the pie so steam can escape. You can brush on soy milk (or water) to make the pie a little shiny, but I usually skip this step. Sprinkle a little sugar on top.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, then decrease to 350 degrees and bake for 1 hour. HELPFUL TIP: Since pies can be messy in the oven, place a cookie sheet lined with tin foil on the rack under the pie to collect whatever may spill. Even if you think your top is well-attached, I'd recommend this for first-time pie bakers... hopefully you won't learn the hard way!
And that's it! It may sound like a lot, but it's rather easy and less time consuming to clean up compared to cupcakes or the like. Seriously, I make/eat these pies like it's my job.
xox Catherine, the Silhouette Girl
Dear Valentine's Day
Dearly single (and loved) ladies of the Blogosphere,

This year is somewhat strange. For the first time in my life, my valentine isn't a classroom of friends, my mom, or my best friend. I have a real-live breathing valentine. A boy to send me cute things, spend money on a silly Hallmark made-up Holiday for me, and if we were in the same place, do cute mushy things like hold hands in public while wearing red. Now, I'm not saying this to gloat. I'm not fist-pumping in your face that this year, Valentine's Day isn't my Single-Awareness Day. I am saying this because I have a Valentine and that right there is the most awe-struck thing in the world, and if I have one, each and every one of you can.
Truthfully, I've actually always enjoyed Valentine's Day. And I've never really longed for someone to do cute things for me, either. Actually, that's the very core of why just having someone is so miraculous. I was the girl in High School who didn't "do" relationships even when they were unofficially ongoing for months. I didn't want to "be" anyone's anything. It was kind of a mean game. Leading people on for weeks and months but never really being together. I'll admit first handed that it was awful. But the truth is, the real reason I never was anyone's anything, was because there was no one that I felt worthy. (Again, awful). Or maybe they were worthy, but they did things I didn't agree with which made them unworthy. Or maybe they were cute and nice and absolutely wonderful to me, but they weren't someone who made me weak in the knees or someone I was truly in every sense of the word "with".
I believe in love. I believe that loving someone is different from being "in" love. And I think you can feel both at once or you can feel them separately. But either way, for the entirety of my existence, I only wanted the real thing. I didn't want someone just to do cute things with, I wanted a best friend. I didn't want someone who just made me laugh at something funny they said, I wanted someone who made me happy every single day just because they were mine. I wanted something lasting which isn't something that's common in High School which is why I didn't date anyone exclusively. It was mean, but I definitely got my share of mean back. I got curb-stomped along the way and cried for hours over meaningless boys that actually did seem to be the Tarzan to my Jane that broke my heart by being someone different from who I thought they were. I let some people go. I was forced into letting them go. I said "next". And in the back of my mind, I remembered that real "Prince" that waited. I heard my mom's voice telling me to be picky; to not settle. I was myself through it all and didn't let up on anyone. I expect a lot out of the people I let into my life and it was hard to not make exceptions for the people who were charming and endearing.
But here is where I make my point. Valentine's Day shouldn't make you feel lame because you don't have anyone to call yours. It shouldn't make you feel stupid because you're unworthy of anyone's affection. If anything, you should think of it as you haven't found anyone worthy of you yet. Maybe that's a little bit naive. Maybe that's a little bit condescending because when it comes down to it, if you're alone and feeling alone, you do just want "someone". You want that instant pick-me-up. You don't want to endure another empty Valentine's Day.
But I have a Valentine.
It happened to me. For everything I believed in, I waited. I waited and waited. And it came true; for me. I'm not saying he's the love of my life or the one I'm going to marry, but I'm saying that for right now, I got my right now soul-mate of the moment. I got someone who met every criteria and someone I didn't settle for. Someone who is my best friend and person I smile about when there isn't anything to smile about. Someone my parents love and someone who isn't just a part of my life but is in my life. And it can happen to you!!!
And for every lonely holiday and for believing that when the right time came, I would just "know" that it was right, it was worth it when I found him.
Everything was worth the wait. And that, my darlings, is what I'm telling you. It may suck right now, but when the time comes, it will have been worth the wait. I urge you to love the people you have in your life now and concentrate what you have.
Take pride, for there aren't many that deserve you and only you.
Maggey Grace
This year is somewhat strange. For the first time in my life, my valentine isn't a classroom of friends, my mom, or my best friend. I have a real-live breathing valentine. A boy to send me cute things, spend money on a silly Hallmark made-up Holiday for me, and if we were in the same place, do cute mushy things like hold hands in public while wearing red. Now, I'm not saying this to gloat. I'm not fist-pumping in your face that this year, Valentine's Day isn't my Single-Awareness Day. I am saying this because I have a Valentine and that right there is the most awe-struck thing in the world, and if I have one, each and every one of you can.
Truthfully, I've actually always enjoyed Valentine's Day. And I've never really longed for someone to do cute things for me, either. Actually, that's the very core of why just having someone is so miraculous. I was the girl in High School who didn't "do" relationships even when they were unofficially ongoing for months. I didn't want to "be" anyone's anything. It was kind of a mean game. Leading people on for weeks and months but never really being together. I'll admit first handed that it was awful. But the truth is, the real reason I never was anyone's anything, was because there was no one that I felt worthy. (Again, awful). Or maybe they were worthy, but they did things I didn't agree with which made them unworthy. Or maybe they were cute and nice and absolutely wonderful to me, but they weren't someone who made me weak in the knees or someone I was truly in every sense of the word "with".
I believe in love. I believe that loving someone is different from being "in" love. And I think you can feel both at once or you can feel them separately. But either way, for the entirety of my existence, I only wanted the real thing. I didn't want someone just to do cute things with, I wanted a best friend. I didn't want someone who just made me laugh at something funny they said, I wanted someone who made me happy every single day just because they were mine. I wanted something lasting which isn't something that's common in High School which is why I didn't date anyone exclusively. It was mean, but I definitely got my share of mean back. I got curb-stomped along the way and cried for hours over meaningless boys that actually did seem to be the Tarzan to my Jane that broke my heart by being someone different from who I thought they were. I let some people go. I was forced into letting them go. I said "next". And in the back of my mind, I remembered that real "Prince" that waited. I heard my mom's voice telling me to be picky; to not settle. I was myself through it all and didn't let up on anyone. I expect a lot out of the people I let into my life and it was hard to not make exceptions for the people who were charming and endearing.
But here is where I make my point. Valentine's Day shouldn't make you feel lame because you don't have anyone to call yours. It shouldn't make you feel stupid because you're unworthy of anyone's affection. If anything, you should think of it as you haven't found anyone worthy of you yet. Maybe that's a little bit naive. Maybe that's a little bit condescending because when it comes down to it, if you're alone and feeling alone, you do just want "someone". You want that instant pick-me-up. You don't want to endure another empty Valentine's Day.
But I have a Valentine.
It happened to me. For everything I believed in, I waited. I waited and waited. And it came true; for me. I'm not saying he's the love of my life or the one I'm going to marry, but I'm saying that for right now, I got my right now soul-mate of the moment. I got someone who met every criteria and someone I didn't settle for. Someone who is my best friend and person I smile about when there isn't anything to smile about. Someone my parents love and someone who isn't just a part of my life but is in my life. And it can happen to you!!!
And for every lonely holiday and for believing that when the right time came, I would just "know" that it was right, it was worth it when I found him.
Everything was worth the wait. And that, my darlings, is what I'm telling you. It may suck right now, but when the time comes, it will have been worth the wait. I urge you to love the people you have in your life now and concentrate what you have.
Take pride, for there aren't many that deserve you and only you.
Maggey Grace
Friday, February 11
speak now
I was sitting in good old Chemistry yesterday when out of the blue, I turned around and noticed my chemistry family member had the same calculator as me. I don't know about anyone else, but I have one special calculator that I've had for the past eight years that will never be replaceable. I probably screamed at him (but my ability to recognize how loud I'm speaking is minimal at best) because he raised his eyebrows in surprise (I'm actually quiet in class 99% percent of the time except for the 1% of the time when I get really excited). But then, he got over the initial shock of the squeal from the quiet girl and we had a rant about how great our calculator was. Seriously. This thing is love. If I don't have this calculator, I will fail a quiz or a test. It's my pal. He's been here for me through the thick and thin and been my one companion through every test and quiz! I love him. So much. And squealing like a little geek with someone else over the amazing technological perfection over it was quite the pick-me-up I needed to get through the class period.
You know how I was a grumps this week? Well, it resurfaced during the week, again. I'm not the type of person who really "fights" with people because I'm prone to the silent treatment when I don't want to deal with anything. It's bad. A terrible habit of mine to want to be my own hero and save the day alone. Psh! I think it mostly made me realize how even though I might have come a long way in the "letting people in" thing, the dealing with things with other people thing hasn't. It's just an observation I made this week and not one I'm proud of. It probably or maybe comes weird coming from me considering it's me and I'm loud and optimistic and chipper, but I've always been bad about confronting and talking through things. It's hard for everyone. I think that's going to be weaved into my "goals to accomplish" list. Because, really, when you do actually confront them right away, it causes a lot less problems later. A lot.
Anyways, I'm currently in my second most occupied space on the college campus. The study lounge. Ooohlala. I finished my lab report and now I'm just editing pictures and writing this post while people around me do calculus. Woot! I took these pictures with my darling pal Margaret of Margaret squared. These pictures make me miss home and all of its mountainous splendor so much! I got this dress over Christmas and I still don't know if I'm completely in love with it. However, I love any navy/white combination and the stripes at the top. I want a spring sweater like this!
dress-Urban Outfitters tights-Urban outfitters necklace-from Alex shoes-Charolette Russe hat-Forever21
I think I need to swear off opaque tights because I think I have gone through six pairs now. My mom got these as a replacement for a replacement for a pair of tights that ripped. And now these ones have. Womp womp womp! I just got my new boots in the mail to replace these ones which also broke. I was walking around campus and stepped in a puddle and my entire foot was drenched. I only then realized that the entire rubber sole at the bottom was completely torn off. Being in college, I'm really hard on my shoes since I walk. Everywhere. And these are Charolette Russe and were only 15 dollars, so now I just need to learn to invest in more heavy duty ones. Woot!
so glad you were around when they said speak now
Wednesday, February 9
Remember in my last post when I was really, really cranky? Remember a million posts when I said I had this natural inability to not be cranky for long periods of time? Well, what do you know. It was only a couple hours later that I was back to normal and now I'm having a great week. In fact, I think I can admit that it was just an inconvenient time of the month that will last for the next 5-7 days. But not even womanhood can harm me for long, one day, and I'm back to me! Yay!

The Valentine's Day episode of Glee totally melted my heart. Yes, I'm a huge Gleek. It made me really excited for Valentine's Day, too. Up until this weekend, I was totally dreading it because I seriously didn't want to have to get Niklaas anything. I know that sounds bad, but it was mostly that I had no ideas and while I love being cute, he was being way too cute for the both of us! (hehe) But!!! I was inspired over the weekend and I've spent so much time on his *present* and now I just can not wait. Of course, we won't be in the same place, but it's fun to get creative with snail mail and packages that are so much fun. I honestly think Valentine's Day is a day about all kinds of love, not just a love you share with your significant other. Whether it be loving your friends, your family, yourself, chocolate, an episode of Glee, or reading a good book. What are your plans for Valentine's day?

dress-borrowed sweater-Urban Outfitters tights-Forever21 shoes-Urbanog belt-Thrifted scarf-Forever21

I took these pictures myself on one of those horrible snowy days when the snow is thick and heavy and wet. Like, in every romantic movie that idealizes snow in a magical way, it's light and fluffy and lands on your skin in a perfect way that it powders your hair and nose. This kind of snow melted instantly and made me drenched. However, I love this sweater more than any in the world. It's so cozy! I know a lot of people think dressing down is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but dressing down for me is wearing a huge cardigan like this and a dress. I literally laid around all day in this outfit feeling as comfy as if I was in my pjs!

I know these tights have a run in them, but I wore them anyways because I haven't found a replacement yet. I love the vertical stripes!! These boots are my urban.og boots that I love. Urbanog is seriously the best little place ever! I ordered some dresses from there for the spring and they were $18 a piece and of amazing quality. I'm always tempted to buy my dresses from forever21 because they're so cheap, but they're exactly that and always fall apart so I try my best to steer clear!

Anyways, I'm off to do more homework before bed because I've been a very bad procrastinator on the little things. You know, the sidebits of homework for little classes. Archaeology notes and lab protocol here I come! (But at least I have the big things like two lab reports, chemistry homework, and two english papers out of the way!)

we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout, and we've been talkin' about Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
The Valentine's Day episode of Glee totally melted my heart. Yes, I'm a huge Gleek. It made me really excited for Valentine's Day, too. Up until this weekend, I was totally dreading it because I seriously didn't want to have to get Niklaas anything. I know that sounds bad, but it was mostly that I had no ideas and while I love being cute, he was being way too cute for the both of us! (hehe) But!!! I was inspired over the weekend and I've spent so much time on his *present* and now I just can not wait. Of course, we won't be in the same place, but it's fun to get creative with snail mail and packages that are so much fun. I honestly think Valentine's Day is a day about all kinds of love, not just a love you share with your significant other. Whether it be loving your friends, your family, yourself, chocolate, an episode of Glee, or reading a good book. What are your plans for Valentine's day?
dress-borrowed sweater-Urban Outfitters tights-Forever21 shoes-Urbanog belt-Thrifted scarf-Forever21
I took these pictures myself on one of those horrible snowy days when the snow is thick and heavy and wet. Like, in every romantic movie that idealizes snow in a magical way, it's light and fluffy and lands on your skin in a perfect way that it powders your hair and nose. This kind of snow melted instantly and made me drenched. However, I love this sweater more than any in the world. It's so cozy! I know a lot of people think dressing down is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but dressing down for me is wearing a huge cardigan like this and a dress. I literally laid around all day in this outfit feeling as comfy as if I was in my pjs!
I know these tights have a run in them, but I wore them anyways because I haven't found a replacement yet. I love the vertical stripes!! These boots are my urban.og boots that I love. Urbanog is seriously the best little place ever! I ordered some dresses from there for the spring and they were $18 a piece and of amazing quality. I'm always tempted to buy my dresses from forever21 because they're so cheap, but they're exactly that and always fall apart so I try my best to steer clear!
Anyways, I'm off to do more homework before bed because I've been a very bad procrastinator on the little things. You know, the sidebits of homework for little classes. Archaeology notes and lab protocol here I come! (But at least I have the big things like two lab reports, chemistry homework, and two english papers out of the way!)
we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout, and we've been talkin' about Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
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