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Monday, December 16


I think I lost my voice somewhere between the Lochsa and Lolo. Maybe I lost it when I fell on a tree stump and got a sick bruise. Or maybe I lost it when we reached the hot springs a mile upriver from the highway and we had the whole pool to ourselves for the evening. Maybe I lost my voice when it started to snow, lightly, and fog seeped in through the trees and blended with the steam. Maybe I lost it when I realized I only have one winter left in Missoula after this one and part of me wishes I could take Montana winters with me everywhere I go. Or maybe I lost it between the Cheetos puffs and Peppermint Hershey's Hugs.

Maybe I lost it when I almost fell backwards into the river trying to put my yoga pants on but had an arm there to catch me, literally.

Maybe I lost it when I knew at that moment what everything had started to mean.
DSC_0510 DSC_0546 To this past weekend, you were the prettiest I've ever felt.


shelbyisms said...

I love this. I LOVE this. GET IT!?

Brissa said...

My heart. This is beautiful!

Brissa said...

My heart. This is beautiful!

Natalie said...


Emma Jane said...

Whoa. Those last two lines have stolen my heart. This is so lovely. That feeling of seeing in your mind what everything means... it's so tender and fleeting. It is a pretty feeling. Adore.

Tightrope to the Sun

Unknown said...

I just discovered your blog. And I absolutely love it! You remind me of myself in so many ways! I feel like we could honestly be best friends if we lived closer!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! An eye opener to the simple pleasures of life that make us smile! Thanks for sharing! Home For Handmade

Hannah | The Outfit Repeater said...

Can we just switch lives for a day? I'd be so down for that!

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

Those words were all that were needed. Well, those and the pictures. ;)

Just found you through Brissa's blog and excited to look around a bit more!

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

Those words were all that were needed. Well, those and the pictures. ;)

Just found you through Brissa's blog and excited to look around a bit more!