I had my job interview on Thursday. I thought it went pretty well and the interviewer was friendly and nice. However, because I didn't get home until the 15th, interviews have already been going on for weeks and the positions are minimal. Hmph. It seemed guaranteed I'd get hours in January during the interview but then I got an email the next morning saying otherwise. We'll see, I guess. I'm honestly just glad it's over! I was so nervous and while I want money, I'm happy to have the first job interview experience in my life over. Woo!
dress-Target cardigan-Forever 21 tights- Urban Outfitters belt-Forever21 shoes-Steve Madden
Seeing everyone has been insane. It's so fascinating to see how things have changed. It seems that I left home a hormonal teenage sister and came back to a still-hormonal but kind and happy teenage sister! I love it. I told you all I was most excited to hang out with her at home again, and it's been better than I imagined. I missed her so much! I accidentally surprised Niklaas in seeing him for the first time getting home. I went to lunch with my best friend and followed her to her class after the lunch period. While standing there talking to her, I, oblivious to the fact that Niklaas was in the this class with her, looked at the door and in he walked. Just like that! Surprise! It was funny. And kind of awkward with an entire classroom of people there. But nonetheless, it kind of took my breath away ;)
Between sleeping and napping and sleeping and watching television and drinking ice water (seriously, the first thing I did upon returning home was visit the freezer and put some ice cubes in my water), I reunited with my best friend Margaret, the other half of Margaret Squared! We ate ice cream in the winter weather which isn't so winter without the snow and snapped some pictures!
I wore this outfit about two months ago when I first received this owl necklace from Margaret and seriously, the whole outfit was put together around it. That's how I work. I always choose one item whether it be a necklace, pair of shoes, dress, or sweater and then build on it! I got this dress from Target months ago and I love it! Target is my new favorite place to shop for clothes. I am so deprived when I'm home without one! I got this cardigan from F21 last winter and it's one of my most worn items in my closet. It's so cozy. I want the orange and brown one SO badly it hurts! This whole outfit is so monochromatic which is weird for me, but I find myself doing it more and more this winter. Hmmm! It's always interesting going into new seasons because I'm experiencing every season firsthand with a blog and I never know what I'm going to do.
I got these lovely shoes back in March and wearing them makes me so happy. When I used to wear them, everyone was like, Maggie, why are you wearing dress shoes??? And now everyone wears oxfords! Score. My mom keeps telling me to stop wearing these tights because they have a whole in them, but opaque tights are just my favorite! How can I help it? I think she's starting to take it as a hint to buy me new ones. Hehe.
Well. I'm off to finish my Saturday out. I'm scheduling this for tomorrow. From now on, I plan on having a post every other day! Yay! Regular posting! I'm excited.
how darling! that's a pretty owl. nice photo editing, too. :)
hope your time home with family is great!
xx elanor
Awww, it's great to hear that you're so happy! Break's just started for me as well :)
Your outfit is lovely, and that owl necklace is so cute!
Aww, I love that owl necklace! I've been seeing it everywhere on the blogosphere and I'm kicking myself saying, "why didn't I buy that one at H&M the other day?"
PS: Enjoy your holidays, sweetie!
Aww surprising the bf sounds like a really cute story hehe. The necklace is too cute! I love your pretty tights lady =)
Did I tell you lately that I like your hair? :PP
Kisses, Lena!
precious! Love how the sun hits you so perfectly :) and that owl necklace is pure awesomeness.
Awww, the little tale about seeing Niklaas was so sweet. I love how adorable you two are.
Enjoy all that sleep! I've been so busy this month that I've been surviving on about 4 hours a night and now I've finally started to wind down a little bit I'm ridiculously sleepy all the time!! Hope I stay awake on Christmas Day!
Woot woot! for being home and regular posting again. Not that it's a big deal or anything. haha
I think it's funny that you have so many friends named Maggie and they seem to be all around you because I'm that way with my name. Everywhere I go, I meet somebody named Hannah. (okay, not everywhere! but you get it) In my close "circle" there are four of us. We have to have nicknames.
That is a ca-ute owl necklace! I don't think I've ever seen one I didn't like really. :)
You look adorable! Sounds like you're having a lovely restful break too. (:
Lovely outfit! Yay you're home! Enjoy it! :)
maggie :) I loved this outfit because it's something I would totally wear... and it still looks very you. So I guess it's very us? :P
I am so glad you are back home with Niklaas! I am looking forward to his photographs because he has such a good eye and you have such a great style which makes your blog totally awesome!
GAAAAAAAAH I've been so stressed trying to find a unique necklace and failed at doing it. I did buy one though... but it's very cliched and maybe you won't like it as the bicycle one, but my boyfriend told me it was a very nice necklace. So... since he liked it, I hoped you do too :)
Yay for being home and done with interviews (blerg--they're awful!). Loving the sweet necklace and tights!
It sounds like you're kinda on cloud nine right now, hehe! :) Home for the holidays with family and reuniting friends and everything, and of course getting your fair share of sleep to catch up on! That's wonderful!
I really like your outfit as per usual, too. The owl necklace is very cute! Yay for Margarets Squared. :D
Hi, I'm your newest follower and I love your blog :)
I'm in love with your owl necklace and the location of your photoshoot. Although I love NYC, I really want to escape all the lights and go somewhere quiet for a while.
its so good that youre happy right now :) break is such a great time unwind and relax.
i really love your tights and that owl necklace is so adorable! i just love owls haha :)
Coming home is just great, right?(:
Seems you have a lot of fun to welcome Christmas((:
Lovely outfit;)
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
cute outfit - i love the necklace :D xx
she's home at last!
maggie, I'm so glad for you and your family and the whole christmas vacation! it's going to be so fun. take lots of pictures and enjoy every second, okay?
You are so cute dear! And that necklace is just so charming. <33
Such a sweet owl :) You look lovely!
Sounds like you're having a great time back home :)
Isn't being home the best??
Ah, I love this outfit! You are adorable!
Man, I was the same way when this semester ended. I was getting like 12 hours of sleep every night. It was amazing and much better than the 6 I was starting to average.
You look so Adorable as usual! That is GREAT that you are home and I know what you mean about how it feels awesome after a good sleep! Love the necklace and of course your oxfords! Funny how some people tend to change their mind when they see girls rockin oxfords!
very cute outfit and I absolutely love your header!
Lovely photos and a lovely outfit. I adore that necklace. Enjoy your time at home! xo
you look amazing! love that dress! And you necklace=gorgeous! Totally love your blog by the way!:) Im so happy I ran into it! it's a great read and i love your posts and style:) so i'm gonna follow you!
hope you visit me and follow me back!
that would be amazing!
have a fabulous day!
AH! I love this outfit! A lot! And the owl necklace. (:
I'm glad you are getting your sleep and having great days with your family and friends!
Have a very Merry Chrismtas. ♥
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