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Tuesday, September 21

to be your light

Alright..okay, please don't hate me (because deep down, part of me hates me for doing this)...but...I cut off all my hair. Not all! I could never do a boy-cut...but eight inches. In my whole life, hair was been my security blanket and honestly, it's been my favorite "physical feature" since forever. That said, I had no choice. I had to cut it off. There were about four inches of pure fluff and dead hair and split ends. It desperately needed it. I've only had short hair one other time and I hated it. But so far, I'm actually loving this! It's not tooo short and it'll grow back super fast. It feels so "me" at the moment!
Is it pathetic that in deciding to cut my hair I was most concerned about how my blog pictures would look without my long hair?? But, oh it was! Finally, I just decided, regardless of what hair is "in" (and long seems to be so very in with the bloggers), this blog is about me and regardless of a silly haircut, it won't take away from the essence of me :). The solution: just do what I want. So, until next time, long hair.
I was kind of in love with this outfit today. I texted Niklaas and was like, "Ahhh! I so wish you were here to take pictures of my outfit today!" because we would have made a huge photoshoot out of it. But...for the time being, I'm sorry to say, I won't be giving you all photoshoots, just clothes. Which is okay, right? Haha :) I got this dress from Modcloth during their huge sale for $12 and I love it way more than I thought I would. The print is so endearing and I love the detail one bust! Plus, the material is so soft and cozy...I could sleep in this dress.
I don't know what "my style" is, but I loved wearing this for some reason. I usually pattern mix like crazy but I really wanted to bring out this dress and make it all about its sweetness. Add a white cardi and some grey tights to bring out the undertones in the dress with some brown heeled boots and we're good. Plus a bow:)
I went home last weekend and boy oh boy...I don't know what has happened to me. In the past week, I've cried more times than I have all year! I do feel that a good portion of the raging hormones in being a female has to do with it and it really wasn't so awful, I only cried twice. But being away finally actually hit me. I'm making tons of friends and excelling in that way, but the reality of what's not here sunk in. And part of that is the whole being awway from my dearest, too. That sunk in, too. Incredibly so. I can't describe it. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder and I can't help but feel the need to bow down to whoever "they" are. So true! It's finally absorbed that I'm not just on vacation... this is how the rest of the semester will go and all of next.
I thought maybe it was purely the distance that was creating that "falsehood" dreamy missing sensation and that it wasn't real and in being truthful, I did want to come home to sort of see what it was all about, this "missing", and I did! I wasn't purely being imaginative. Simply sitting next to him at the soccer game felt magical and like a fairytale. More so than ever, ever before. It was just...dream-like! What's happening to mee!! Hahaha :)
OKAY! This week is crazy insane. I've studied for 9 hours already for this giant test on Thursday and I have about 6 more to get in before I'm fully prepared. Yay. At my desk the other day I said to myself, "I'm going crazy this weekend after this test is done." And the guy next to me said, "Me. Too. I'm going to get f****** this weekend. Chemistry blowout at the frat. You in?" And I was all like..."Well, I was more thinking..of..erm, you know...doing laundry and watching tons of tv and internet shopping." And he stared at me for about three seconds and turned around. HA!

The good girl. Yep. That's me.


P.S. I was featured on these blogs last week!! For my socks!
and for my blazer last week!
and...lastly, I am Kimberellie's "Obsession": EEEEEEEEEE :)

Thank you so much!

Ahhhh I smiled! Go look at their blogs:) They're the sweetest!


genevieve said...

Maggie, your last paragraph seriously made my day. After my big biological anthropology midterm boy did I need that! Love love love, and I adore your dress! So cute, and perfectly detailed. I love the simplicity of the outfit; definitely different from your usual!

Jen said...

Sweetie, that dress is adorable on you!! So is that little hair bow. Perfect outfit for you :-)

Liza said...

You look great as usual! Your dress is just lovely. Your haircut looks wonderful!


S + Y said...

Awwww this length looks great on you Maggie!! It's fresh. It's chic. It's a whole new you! :)

Lovely dress, as always :P
Good luck on your exam girl! You can do it!!


Alex said...

I go "crazy" that week too! I think I am too good nobody actually buys it! Your outfit is adorable and oh I now how it feels to be away from everything, but you'll be fine :) hahaha I know! Everyone has long hair and a year ago I just went crazy and chopped it all off but it feels like nothing else :) such a great sensation :) you probably look adorable :)

Alex said...

Ugh I meant to say that way too and said that week too XD

amanda lynn? said...

im seriously obsessed with that dress! its sooo cute. but any ways i think your hair cut looks cute!

Elanor said...

aww too cute! this is just lovely. :) i especially like the boots!

also, your hair is adorable! have fun raging this weekend. ;)

xx elanor

Amber said...

I love your new do and the bow is so adorable.

becca said...

Woo-Hoo! This is so good. I really like the "calm" outfit and the hair!
And hey..mine got chopped and is about the same length as yours, and it takes some getting-used-to but I love it.
ometimes a physical change is the best thing you can do with a mental change, you know?

500 days of Jo said...

I must say, I love everything about your outfit. I'm so in love with bows, that blue cutie is adorable! And that dress...what a bargain! You look gorgeous, and the haircut looks great on you ;)

500 days of Jo said...

(good luck on your exam ;))

Unknown said...

Girl your hair looks Ahmmazing!!!!! LOVE it shorter! Seriously your posts ALWAYS make me smile! The dress is sooo to love modcloth!!!

Das What She Said said...

Great mix, love your style!


Gracie said...

hahaha why would we hate you for cutting off all your hair?! I think it suits you! Very good indeed!

Gracie said...

Oh, also, I'm moving away from home next year and I'm pretty freaked out! I think it will feel like a really long vacation until I finally realise that I don't live in my hometown anymore! Ahhh!

sydney said...

your hair looks great! it's nice to change things up once in a while. and that dress is adorable. also, your version of laundry/tv/shopping is EXACTLY what my 'crazy' weekends are like, haha. gotta love being a good girl! :)

Catherine said...

I adore your haircut! It suits you so well - you'll get used to the length, I'm sure, and you're probably getting a ton of compliments. I think it's funny how anything below my shoulder is long for me... :)

Also: your dress. It's so cute. The pattern is so wonderful and the bodice is really interesting (in an awesome way)!


L.D. said...

Hey, Nikka! I love that name. :) Long or short hair, you look pretty eitherway :) I'm following your blog now, dear! :)

Unknown said...

Your hair looks SO GOOD! Seriously, it's adorable!
And I love your dress, your whole outfit really! :)
And don't worry, my weekends are similar. Oh, silly frat guys.

Lyndsey said...

You look so adorable doll! I LOVE the greys. I went crazy shopping and bought all grey and black the other day! Haha, i guess i'm just ready to tune it down this fall. Who knows?! AND GIRL. don't even worry about your hair, you look fantastic!! I chopped 8 inches off of my hair like a month ago and it's already all back, ha! I've also dyed mine 4738194731290 different colours so I don't even know what my natural hair colour and style is. hehe. anyways, don't worry about being homesick doll. No matter how far you are away from family they will always be close to you, in your heart. (and on facebook/skype!) ;P

xoxoxoxoxoxox for being mentioned on my blog!!! you totally deserved to be on there, like, duh! hahaha. i love you

lyndsey of

maryse said...

i like the new hair! i had (still have) the same problem with thinking how photos would look like with short hair.

good luck on the test this thursday!

your PS had a lot of links to it. if you want to shorten it you can use this: <.a href="URL">link text<./a> just remove the dots to make it work.
so instead of writing, you can do <.a href="">LifeSize Paperdoll<./a>, just remove the dots and you'll get

LifeSize Paperdoll

there is an easier way to do this, just click "link" where you're writing the post

hope that helps!

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

I loveee your haircut girl! It looks amazing! xo

Rio said...

Oh my goody goody goodness! I love your haircut so much! It was beautiful before, but it's so cute and swingy now! :) Your dress is super adorable too, and what a steal for $12!

Abbey said...

Love the outfit, and this whole post! Cutting your hair is so fun- I've cut it off twice and I love it both long and short! Plus I love how healthy it looks when I cut it off! (: Stay strong- it's easy to get bogged down by things like missing your boyfriend, or your home- you have to focus on the good things like when you'll see them next! ;) And I'm right there with you- my top priorities are laundry, sleeping, and eating. I don't have time for crazy college partying... there are online sales to attend to!


Estefany @ The Helmet Head said...

I think your hair looks cute! I've noticed long hair is really in, here on the blogs; but just try to enjoy whatever YOU like.

Sigh.. you never disappoint me with your cute dresses! Oh and has anyone ever told you that you look like Kristen Bell? I always get reminded of you when i see her in movies.

Amber said...

hey there, stopping by again to let you know that I gave you two blog awards today. Check out my blog to get them. Cheers dear :)

✿ren said...

The first thing I noticed was your new hair! It looks very lovely~

Anonymous said...

That's the way to tell them. Pretty dress. Oh, its so windy here, I just want a stuff a beanie on and forget it. Probably will.

Have a good week.

Abby. said...

CUTE! It really looks great on you; don't worry! (That's an adorable bow by the way.)
Love the dress.!
Awww. :/ It must be tough being away from everyone, but you're handling it well.
OMG that thing about you saying how you were gonna get "fucked up" made me laugh my ass off! I mean, seriously, that is so me. I'd be like, "Um..I planned on rocking out to the Jonas Brothers in my underwear, eating ice cream straight from the carton and watching my soaps...but okay."



Abby. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
summertime dreams said...

Hey! Just passing out some sunny rays and I thought you should have some too! I gave you a "sunshine award" at my blog :)

Oh, My Darling said...

Lovin' the new hairdo!!! Also, I adore your dress -- it's so very lovely.

ellie said...

So sweet. Well, stay positive. I'm sure someone is thinking fondly of you too.

Dreamy Princess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dreamy Princess said...

Your short hair is pretty, girl!
Thanks for stopping by. I didn't remember to mention Taylor Swift. hahaha.. but, I like her, eventhough she's not my obssesion..;D
I LOVE your outfit, especially the dress. I think your blog is awesome..((:
Congratz to your featured post. It's because your style is very adorable!

Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~

Shauna said...

haha you're so hilarious!!
thank you for the comment that was left for me (and the one not for me haha)

i love your hair! it's beautiful!!!

Ashley/ MILK TEETHS said...

Awe girl, chin up! It does get a little easier, I promise :)

I love the pop of blue the bow in your hair gives you, it looks great against the color of your hair! :)


Ebony Arwen said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR. I got my hair cut and styled differently too! :) I'm back from hols and am going to spend ALL day tomorrow finally looking at that drop box to make you buttons..

But omg, what idiots. I'm the good girl too :) I wasn't when I was younger. I was the girl out drinking with all the guys (the ring leader was my bf) but now I couldn't care less for it. Unless I'm out dancing I won't even have a drink :p

I love you. I know it's hard being in a new place but you are going to have so many new adventures Mags! :) xoxox

Becky Jean said...

You cutie pie!!!! That dress is just adorable! xo

Lorine Mathers said...

I really love a kind of shoes like that!
but you know, I don't know why but if you wear that in Indonesia (I live in it) it will be so so so so weird :/
xo, Lorine

ching said...

the blue bow is adorable and so are you. :)

Bea said...

Such a hilarious last conversation! You're so right about that dress is lovely. All the details and it fits you to a tee! :)

Your new hair is smashing and you look so fresh!

Bea from A plus B

Unknown said...

you look great with the new haircut, and it's not that short, you shouldn't worry about it. the dress is super cute by the way :)

Jen Hsieh said...

i'm in love with your new hair cut! i just got my hair cut about the same length a few weeks ago and I'm still missing my longer hair. good thing hair grows back! this length is gorgeous on you and so refreshing. :)

loving the modcloth dress as well. it's so sweet that you're missing your man but at least it makes seeing him so much sweeter. good luck on your test today! ACE IT! :D

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your blog! its great:) you mind if i add you to my links and you add me to yours?

Paulie Antiques said...

Hi! my name is Polly :) I am your newest follower! Hope we can be friends! :)

love, polly

Kimberellie said...

I LOVE your hair. And I absolutley positively LOVE this look. You are gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. And clever stylish delightful!

oh it is nice to be obsessed with you!

heart: me